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The Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE Life-boat Saturday "season," DOW drawing to a close, has this year been an unusually successful one. The reports which we have received from all parts of the TJnited Kingdom clearly indicate that the movement has justified its existence and is becoming increasingly popular in our great inland centres of industry.

Thanks to the numerous Life-boat de- monstrations which of late years have taken place up and down the country, thousands of people who had never before seen a Life-boat, or a "real live" Life- boat coxswain with his gallant crew, have now begun to take a personal and even an enthusiastic interest in the indispens- able work carried on by the BOT.AZ NATIONAL LIFB-BOAT INSTITUTION, a work of which perchance they may have pre- viously read, but of which they had nntil now no very clear perception or know- ledge. We hope that the time is rapidly passing away when it will be possible for any dwelling in the British Isles to plead ignorance of the important national ser- vices of the Life-boat Institution as an excuse for withholding a helping hand and financial support. All benefit, either directly or indirectly, by the safety of the ships—and those who man them—which bring most of the necessaries of life to our doors and which, by the carrying of British goods and British wares to every part of the inhabited globe, promote plenty, peace and happiness amongst oar people at home. No one can truly .say that our sailors—their safety and well-being— have no claim upon him; and it is undoubtedly the duty, as well as the privilege, of all to support a cause, the sole object of which is to rescue those to whom we owe so very much when in distress and in peril of shipwreck on our rock-bound and dangerous shores..