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Fair Water

On the same day the Life-boat Arab, also stationed at Padstow, was called out for service, by means of the telephone.

She was launched at 4 p.m., and proceeded under oars to the ketch Fair Water, of Jersey, bound from Cardiff with a cargo of coal. The vessel was reported to be about four miles N.N.W. from Stepper Point, flying a signal apparently in distress, and running for the harbour.

She succeeded in reaching the mouth of the harbour, but became unmanageable and drifted into the breakers at the backof the Doom Bar. The Life-boat went alongside and rescued the crew of four men, the vessel drifting still further in among the breakers and shortly afterwards stranding in Hell Bay where she became a total wreck. The Life-boat regained her station at 5.20, was housed at 5.30, and at 6.10 was again called out, a mounted messenger having brought intelligence that a vessel was in distress.

The boat proceeded to the entrance of the harbour, but the vessel, the brig Emllie, was taken in tow by the Steam Life-boat, as has been already mentioned, and the AraVs help was therefore not required,.