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Eirion Lass

ABERSOCH, CARNARVONSHIRE. — While the wind was blowing, with the force of a whole gale to a storm, from W.N.W. to N.W., with terrific squalls and a very heavy sea, on the 12th Jan. last, signals of distress were exhibited by the schooner Eirion Lass, of and for Portmadoc, in ballast from Dongarvan. She was dragging her anchors in St. Tndwall's fioads and was rapidly approaching danger. The Life-boat Oldham started to the rescue at 2 P.M. and reached the vessel when she was about five miles 8.8.W. of the Pwllheli Life-boat house.

Her crew of four men were rescued and the Boat then made for Pwllheli, where they were safely landed. The Life-boat was filled several times by the heavy seas which she encountered..