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A Place In the Boat


A mild wind, or a wild wind, a sky of blue or black, The boat must go and we must row to the rocky bar and back— To the rooky bar and back, boys, where the breakers boom and roar; But we'll pull her through, as men ary do who've done the same before! Oho.—So a place in the boat for me, ntclss, a place in the boat for you; Can a man say legs, in the hour of stress, if a man and a Briton true! A long pull and a strong pull, with steady heart and hand, We'll save the crew of the ship in view, and bring them all to land— And bring them all to land, boys, while the breakers boom and roar; Though the sea be rough and the task be tough, what shame to wait ashore I Oho.—Then a place in the boat for you, mates, a place in the boat for me; In the hour of stress, no need to press the Life-boat men to sea! A right boat, and a tight boat, a boat to stem the tide; A cox'ain bold the helm to hold, and. God aboard to guide— And God aboard to guide, boys, when human lives we win, And a cheer for each as we reach the beach, and our bonny boat comes iul Clio.—So a place in the boat for me, mates, a place in the boat for yon; Can a man say less, in the hour of stress, if a man and a Briton true! A sigh, boys—and why, boys?—for comrades dead and gone, Over the track they came not back, but their gallant work goes on— Their gallant work goes OB, boys, and onrs it is to do; While their souls float in a deathless boat, in heaven's balmy blue.

Oho.—Then a place in the boat for you, mates, a place in the boat for me; la storm and stress no need to press the Life-boat men to sea! (Pearson's Weekly.) PTEDBI..