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The Voorwaarts

NEWQUAY, CORNWALL.—On the morning of the 3rd January the coastguards reported that a three-masted steamer was at anchor, S.W. of Trevose Lighthouse, flying the Italian ensign half-mast high.

The Life-boat Willie Eogers was therefore launched at 8.45 and proceeded with all possible speed to the vessel, which was in a most dangerous position. A moderate gale was blowing from W.S.W., there was a very heavy ground swell, and the weather was thick. Two of the Life-boatmen boarded the vessel, which proved to be the Voorwaarts, of Amsterdam, bound from Cardiff for Genoa. She had apparently been disabled by stress of weather, but very little information could be obtained, as none of those on board could speak English. It appeared that the casualty had occurred in a very heavy gale from N.W. at 3 o'clock on the previous afternoon, and that the master and ten of the crew had left her, in two boats, and had not since been heard of. The ship had seventeen feet of water in her hold, and it did not seem possible that she could remain afloat for any length of time. It was therefore arranged that the steam-tug Dragon which had arrived should stand by her until the morning, the Life-boat taking off the remainder of the crew, nine men, and safely landing them at 7.30 P.M.

On the following morning the vessel being still afloat, the Life-boat again went out to her, taking back the nine men, and an attempt was made to take the ship to Swansea. On boarding her it was found that the water during the night had increased by one foot. The men belonging to the vessel, assisted by some of the Life-boatmen, jettisoned about twenty-five tons of the cargo so as to lighten her, and the tug Dragon and s.s. Olivia succeeding in towing her to within fifteen miles of Lundy. At 5 P.M. one of the tow ropes parted, and in getting another on board a hole was knocked in the bow of the Voorwaarts ; she became unmanageable, and in a short time was seen to be settling down. The men on board thereupon signalled to be taken off, and the ship was abandoned, the Life-boat being towed by the Olivia to Ilfracombe, where she arrived at 10.45 P.M. One of the ship's boats drove ashore at Mawgan Forth, being literally smashed to pieces' on the rocks, but no trace of any of her crew could be seen..