The Prince of Wales and the Life-Boat Service. Curious Coincidence
In the course of the eloquent speech and earnest appeal which H.R.H. The PRINCE OF WALES made as President of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, at the London Life-boat Saturday Dinner on 1st May last, he said, " I am anxious to draw your special attention to the fact that the cases of gallantry, rewarded by the Institution have been by no means confined to men. (Cheers.) On some parts of our coasts the fisherwomen and girls help to launch the Life-boats, and encourage in every way their husbands and brothers to man them. (Loud cheers.) .... You probably all know that the celebrated Grace Darling was rewarded with the silver medal for her heroic services." At two hours after midnight, and only four hours after the PRINCE had delivered his speech, information was received by the crew of the Grace Darling Life-boat, which is stationed at Holy Island (North- umberland), that the schooner Annie Stewart had struck on the Snipe rocks and was sinking rapidly. The wind was north-east, the sea moderately rough, and the weather thick with rain. All hands at once turned out to launch the Life-boat, which was on her way to the sinking vessel in fifteen minutes, four of the most useful launchers on this occasion being women. In an hour the Life-boat reached the distressed vessel and successfully took off the endangered crew, numbering five men. The Life-boat had not got twenty yards away from the vessel before she sank and became a total wreck.