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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Reported the much lamented death on the 2nd instant of His Grace ALGERNON GEORGE PERCY, Sixth DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., who had been President of the Institution for the long period of thirty-three years, and who had always taken a deep interest in its progress and development.

Decided that a vote of sincere sympathy and condolence with his son, HENRY GEORGE PERCY, Seventh DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, be placed on the minutes, and a copy, engrossed on vellum, and bearing the corporate seal of the Institution, forwarded to His Grace. The following is a copy of the vote:— "That this Committee in recording the lamented decease of their President, His Grace ALGERNON GEORGE PERCY, DUKE OF NORTH- UMBERLAND, K.G., respectfully tender their sincere sympathy and condolence to his Son, their colleague, HENRY GEORGE PERCY, Seventh DUES OF NORTHUMBERLAND, and desire to place on their Minutes an acknowledgment of the gratitude which the Life-boat cause owes to their late President, who for the long period of thirty-three years had cordially and continually co-operated with them in carrying out the great philanthropic objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

" By order of the Committee.


" FiTzRoy CLAYTON, Deputy-Chairman.

"Sealed with the Corporate Seal of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION this 12th day of January, 1899.

" CHARLES DIBDIN, Secretary." The following is a copy of the DUKE or NORTHUMBERLAND'S acknowledgment of this vote of condolence :— "Aln wick Castle, " 18th January, 1899.

" Dear Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, "Allow me to convey through you my best thanks to the Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION for their extremely kind vote of condolence on the sad loss we have sustained.

" The late DUKE or NORTHUMBERLAND'S interest in the work" of the Institution was ever keen, and although for some time past age and infirmity prevented his taking the active part he had formerly assumed in the management of its affairs, his sense of the importance of the objects which our Committee have in view, and his pride in being President of so noble a Society remained unimpaired.

"Pray allow me to add my own cordial acknowledgments for the sympathy extended to me by my colleagues.

" I am, dear Sir Edward, " Yours truly, (Signed) " NORTHUMBERLAND." ' Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart." Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Cowes, Bridlington Quay and Flamborough.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to the Dungarvan and Queenstown Life-boat Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District.—Eyemouth, Berwick-on- Tweed, Balcary, Kirkcudbright, Whithorn, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Anstruther and North Berwick.

Eastern District.—Scarborough, Robin Hood's Bay, Staithes, Runswick, Upgang, Whitby (two boats), Hornsea, Withernsea, Donna Nook, Mablethorpe, Sutton, Skegness, Brancaster, Hunstanton, Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Blakeney, Wells, Cromer and Sheringham.

Southern District.—Southsea, Littlehampton, Shoreham, Worthing, Eastbourne, Ryde, Ather- field, Brightstone Grange, Brooke, Totland Bay and Bembridge.

Western District. — Penarth, Burnham, Watchet, Weston-super-Mare, Ilfracombe, Lyn- mouth, Clovelly, Appledore (two boats), Morthoe and Padstow.

Irish District.—Cloughey, Bally water, Green- castle, Portrush, Culdaff, Carrickfergus, Tyrella, Dungarvan, Queenstown (two boats), Ballycotton, Youghal, Courtmacsherry, Fenit, Tramore, Dunmore East, Kilmore, Wexford, Rosslare Harbour, Courtown, Cahore, Arklow, Wicklow, Barrow, Piel, Ramsey and Hoylake.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 15,3021. 8s. id. from the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, as the nett proceeds of " Life-boat Saturday 1898." Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be tendered to the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund for their con- tinued valuable co-operation.

Also the receipt from the Civil Service Life- boat Fund, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., Honorary Secretary, of a further sum of 2.048J. Us. lid.

to recoup the Institution all the expenses incurred in 1898 in maintaining the seven Stations at which the seven Life-boats presented and endowed by the fund are placed.

The total sun thus contributed to the Insti- tution by gentleman in Her Majesty's Civil Service has been 23,3331. 5s. 6d.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the subscribers to the fund for their continued very liberal assistance.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting :— £. »._d.

Stewards of the Covent Garden Life- boat Fund, towards the cost of the new Covent Garden Life-boat for Caister........566 17 6 Trustees of the residuary estate of the late Miss Gannon, towards the maintenance of the Life-boats at Thorpe and Aldeburgh, per the Rev. C. DU G. MAKEPEACE, M.A. 200 - - W. H. LYALL, Esq., (Member of the Committee of Management of the Institution).......100 - - Independent Order of Oddfellows (Manchester Unity) Annual Sub- scription, 501. Ditto, Donation, 1H. Hs.........61 U ~ Licensed Victuallers Life-boat Fund per A. L. ANNETT, Esq.(additional) 50 - - Mrs. A. HICKMAN MORGAN (addi- tional) ........50 - - Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity) (additional) . . 20 - - Sheriff of London Charity Football Fund, per H. L. JACKSON, Esq. . • 10 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ e. d.

The late Miss M. A. LEICESTER, of Bishop's Road, Paddington . . 3,311 3 2 The late Miss BESSIE GALOTDO, of Bath........100 - - Voted the thanks of the Institution to WYND- HAM CREMER, Esq., J.P., H. P. TODD, Esq., and Mr. SAMUEL BROOK, in recognition of their long and valuable services as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Sheringham, Thorpe and Looe Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

Paid 8,777Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 621Z. 2s. 8d. to pay the expenses of tho following Life-boat services:— Life-boat.

Aranmore (Vessel.

Lives saved.

Luggers St. Paul, St. Mitnan and St. Malaiss 20 „ . Lugger St. Malaise. Ren- dered assistance.

Arbroath . . Fishing-boats. Remained in attendance.

Bembridge . Schooner Roialie of Calais Campbeltown, Schooner Finlaggon, of Campbeltown .

„ -. Schooner Rlio-la, of Portrush ....Life-boat.

Campbeltown. Boat of Ketch Oimara, of Campbeltown . . 1 „ . Schooner James Shearer, of Campbeltown. Ren- dered assistance.

Cairickfergns Brigantine Huntress, of Belfast..... 4 „ . Brigantine C. X. Rey- nolds, of Belfast . . 5 Clovelly . -. Three-masted schooner Beaper, of Truro.

Rendered assistance.

Cullercoats . Coble W. E. Gladstone, of Cullercoats. Stood by boat.

Dungeness, Schooner Meerenll. As- No. 1 . ./ gisted to save vessel.

Filey . . . Fishing-boats. Remained in attendance.

Fishguard, Schooners Leandtr and No. 2 . . / Thomas, of Carnarvon. 9 Holyhead Schooner Ann Jane . . 3 (Steam Life-boat.) Ketch Gauntlett ... 2 „ S.S. Balliribreich Castle . 5 „ Barqnentine Millie Bain 7 New Brighton S.S. Voltaic, of Belfast.

(Steam Life-boat.) Stood by vessel.

New Quay, S.S. Voorwaarts, of Am- Cornwall / sterdam ....

Porthleven . Ship Anlonin,of Dunkirk.

Rendered assistance.

Ramsey . . Schooner Twin Sisters, of Drummore . .

„ . . Schooner Btturn, of Greenock ....

„ . . Schooner Annie Warren, of Aberdovey .

Robin Hood's "I S.S. Nad Odd, of Eger- Bay. . ./ sund. Landed 11.

Scarborough . Yawl Fire Brothers, of Scarborough Seaham . . S.S. Niord, of Randers . 11 Swansea . . £ team-tug Faxon, of Falmouth ....

Whitelink Bay Fishing-boats Good Hope and Good Design, of Fraserburgh. Saved boats and ....

The Dungeness No. 1 Life-boat also rendered assistance to the ship Glenard, of Port Glasgow Voted also 8682. 18*. 3d. to pay for launches watching, or assemblies of the crews of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting vessels in distress:—Arbroath, Ayr, Barmouth Blakeney, Broadstairs, Bude, Bull Bay, Burry- port, Clovelly, Drogheda No. 1, Dunbar Dungeness No. 1, Fishguard No. 2, Girvan, Harwich (steam Life-boat), Holyhead (steam and sailing Life-boats), Hoylake, Irvine, Little- hampton, Mullion, Newbiggin, Padstow, Point of Ayr, Port Eynon, Port Patrick, Rhyl Rosslare Harbour, St. Agnes and St. Mary's (Scilly Isles), St. Ives, Selsey, Stornoway Stromness, Troon, Tynemouth No. 2, Walton- on-the-Naze, Whithorn and Worthing.

Voted 151. 18s. grant, and medical expenses incurred, to one of the crew of the Aldburgh Life-boat who was injured while on service and thereby incapacitated for work for some weeks THURSDAY, 9th February, 1899.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

The Chairman read a letter from Sir FRANCIS KNOLLYS, intimating that H.E.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., had consented to be he President of the Institution in succession lo the late DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G.

This announcement was received with the greatest satisfaction and unanimously approved.

The Chairman further stated that His Royal Highness had announced his intention of presiding at a dinner to be held in London, probably in May, on behalf of the London Life- Boat Saturday Fund, of which H.E.H. the DUKE OF YORK is President.

Read the Minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Also read the Minutes of the last meeting of the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the Reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Workington, Maryport, Whitehaven, Ayr, Girvan, Ballantrae, Troon, Irvine, Ardrossan and Kildonan.

Eastern District. — Pakefield, Sunderland (two boats), Roker, Whitburn, Seaham, Hartle- pool (three boats), Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool, Saltburn and Redcar.

Southern District.— Falmouth, Porthleven, Cadgwith, Church Cove, Polpear, Porthoustock, Mullion, Plymouth and Fowey.

Western District.—Swansea, Port Eynon, Ferryside, Burry Port, Fishguard (two boats), St. David's, Porthcawl and Penarth.

Irish District.- Port St. Mary, Port Erin, Castletown, Douglas, Peel, Hilbre Island, Hoylake, Formby, New Brighton (two boats), Southport (two boats) and Fleetwood.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £. ». d.

"F. H.," for general fund, 750Z.

Ditto, for rewards to the crews and losses to their families by accident, in such proportions as the Committee may think best, 2501.........1000 - - From Life-boat Fund of the Young Men's Friendly Society, per J.W.

POWELL, Esq., Church House, Dean's Yard, S.W.....50 13 1 WINGHAM WHITAKER, Esq. (annual subscription)......25 - - Contributions from St. Michael's, Paddington, per the Rev. G. F. PRESCOTT, M.A......11 14 - Collected on board the S..Y.

Argonaut, per CONNOR F. S. PEROWNE, Esq...... 8 1 10 Collected in Rochester Cathedral, per the Very Rev. the Dean . 3 12 10 —To be severally thanked Voted the thanks of the Committee to Major KINGSLEY O. FOSTER, J.P., GEORGE S. MANCELLE, Esq., and Mr. JAMES McINTOSH in recognition of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Reigate and Redhill, Southend and Nairn branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

Paid 3,328Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 2901. 12s. to pay the expenses of the undermentioned Life-boat services :— Life-boat.

Abersoch .

Broadstairs Vessel.

Lass, Castletown Clacton » Dungeness No. 1 .

Gourdon .

Hayle . .

Johnshaven Kingstown No. 2 .

Lynmouth Margate No. 1 Montrose No. 1 Newbiggin .

Ramsey . .

Southend (Essex).

Southsea .

Schooner Eirion of Portmadoc .

Schooner Julia, of Lancaster. Assisted to save vessel and Ketch John I'arry, of Beaumaris ....

Schooner Robert Ander- son, of Bur head .

Ship Hawkzdale, of Liverpool ....

S.S. Elaine, of Liverpool.

Stood by vessel.

Fishing-boats. Stood by boats.

Schooner Miss Beck, of Carnarvon ....

Fishing-boats. Stood by boats.

Barque Lwh Fergus, of Liverpool ....

Ship Forrest Hatt, of Liverpool. Assisted to save vessel and Ship Hawlts&ale, of Liverpool ....

Fishing-boats. Stood by boats.

Two cobles. Piloted boats.

Schooner Twin Sisters, of Drummore. Landed 3.

Barge Wliitwell. Saved vessel and ....

Ketch Queen of the Fleet, of Portsmouth. As- sisted to save vessel and Lives ared.

18 17 15 The Margate No. 2 and Walton-on-the-Naze Life-boats rendered assistance to the S.S. Amiral Aube, of Havre.

Voted also 5231. 9». 6d. to pay for launches, watching, or assemblies of the crews of the following Life-boats with the view of helping those on board vessels in distress:—Angle, Dover, Dunbar, Dungarvan, Formby, Harwich (steam life-boat), Hayle, Hoylake, Kingstown, Margate No. 1, New Brighton (steam life-boat), New Romney, Palling No. 2, Penarth, Peter- head, Plymouth, Port Eynon, Porthcawl, Porthdinllaen, Pwllheli, Rhoscolyn, St. Ives and Weymouth.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. JAMES THOMAS, coxswain of the Fishguard Life-boats, in recognition of his general gallant services in saving life from shipwreck.

Also extra rewards to the crews of the Clacton, Margate, Port Eynon and Porthcawl Life-boats for especially good services.

Also 51. to five men for putting off in a boat and rescuing the crew of seven men from the fishing-boat, Mary Anderson, of Broughty Ferry, which had stranded off Arbroath, For- farshire, in a strong S.W. gale and a rough sea on the night of the 4th January.

Also 31. 15s. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving two of the crew of a fishing- boat of Port Sallon, which had been capsized off Innishowen Head, co. Donegal, in a strong gale and a heavy sea on the 23rd November last.

Also letters of thanks to Ship's Corporal JAMES AXON, of H.M.S. Northampton, and Mr. GEORGE NiGHTINGALE, for putting off in a boat and rescuing three men whose boat had been capsized off Walmer in a moderate N. breeze, a smooth sea and thick weather, on the 5th January.

Also H. Ws. to nine men for putting off in a yawl to the assistance of the schooner Lottie, of Padstow, in B. Ballyholme Bay in a whole gale from W.N.W. and a very heavy sea on the 12th January. Those on board the vessel, however, did not require any assistance.

10». was alsj granted to the owner of the boat used on the occasion.

Also 16s. to four men for rescuing the crew of three men from a fishing-boat which was swamped while attempting to land at Sizewell, Suffolk, in a heavy surf, on the 18th January.

THURSDAY, 9th March, 1899.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the Minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Cowes.

Also the reports of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Methil, Buckhaven, Oban, Tobermorey, Tiree, Coll, lona and Bunessan.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visit to the following Stations:— Northern District.—Campbeltown, Southend, Anstruther, Crail, St. Andrew's, Arbroath and Girvan.

Eastern District.—Dungeness (two boats), New Romney, Folkestone, Margate (two boats), Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Hythe, Dover, Kings- downe, Walmer and Deal.

Southern District.—Brighton, Winchelsea, Rye, Hastings and Ryde.

Western District—New Quay (Cardigan- shire), Cardigan, Tenby, Littlehaven and Angle.

Irish District—Blackpool, St. Anne's (two boats), Lytham, Tramore, Howth, Poolbeg and Kingstown (two boats).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:—£. e. d.

Colonel B. P. DAVIS, J.P., per Walton-on-Naze Branch . . . 105 - - ELEANOR E. WADE.....50 - - CHARLES DENNY, Esq.....2o - - Worshipful Company of Leather- sellers ........21 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £. s. d.

The late Miss ELIZABETH HANKEY, of Chester, per Liverpool Branch 338 8 9 The late JOHN SAY CLARKE, Esq., M.D., of Ryde........300 - - The late HUGH LLOYD JONES, Esq., of Broughton, Chester .... 270 - - The late W. J. ADAMS, Esq., of Lee 90 - - The late Miss E. A. HODGSON, of Tidenham, Gloucester ... 10 - - The late HENRY HENDEBOURCK, Esq., of Canonbury Park, N. ... 55- Voted the thanks of the Institution to E. L. LLOYD, Esq., and M. 0. PRESTON, Esq., in acknowledgment of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Newton Abbot and Lyme Regis Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services, extending over many years, of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches — Captain HERBERT, B.N., J.P., Salcombe and Hope Cove; H. APPLETON, Esq., Lizard; the Rev. A. E. HOCKLEY, Lynmouth ; W. J. VAUGHAN, Esq., Fishguard; WILLIAM McDouGALL. Esq., Eyemouth; JOHN McMcLLAN, Esq., Cloughey; BENJAMIN HEAPE, Esq., J.P., Rochdale; and CHARLES E. LIEBREICH, Esq., Bradford.

Reported the transmission of a new steam Life-boat to the Padstow (Cornwall) Station, and of a new Life-boat to the Rhoscolyn (Anglesey) Station.

Paid 4,1411. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 2681. Us. dd, to defray the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Me-boat. Vessel. JjJ Berwick-on- 1 Ketch William Knox, of Tweed / Kirkcaldy. Landed 8.

Boulmer . . SS.Cattersby, of Middles- brough .....12 Caister No. 2 S.S. Russian Prince, of Newcastle. Rendered assistance.

Cresswell . . Steam-trawler Lapwing.

Stood by vessel.

Gourdon . . Fishery-cruiser Brenda, of Leith. Stood by vessel and rescued . 2 Groomsport . Schooner Caledonia . . 5 Newhaven. . Barque Peruvian, of Fano.....10 Penmon . . Schooner Devon, of Ply- mouth. Bend, assist.

Southend-on- ) Schooner Bj7/oto,of Inver- Sea ness. Landed 4 from | Mouse light-vessel. i Worthing . . Schooner Prince Llewellyn 5 ' Voted also 368Z. 9». Id. to pay for launches, watching or assemblies of crews of the following Life-boats with the view of assisting those on board vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh, Angle, Broadstairs, Brooke, Dunbar, Hythe, Johns- haven, Newbiggin, Penzance, Plymouth, Selsey, Sennen Cove, Southsea, Thorpeness, Totland Bay, Weston-super-Mare, Weymouth, White- link Bay, Great Yarmouth, and Youghal.

Produced the report of the Board of Trade inquiry into the circumstances attending the casualty to the crew of the brigantine Freya, of Tonsberp, on the 20th October last. When some miles off Montrose the crew abandoned the vessel, which had lost her sails, and was leaking badly, in a strong S.B. gale and a very heavy sea, and attempted to reach the shore in their boat, which was capsized by the breakers, involving the loss of her whole crew with the exception of one man wljo had a lifebuoy and was washed ashore.

It having been alleged by some persons that the crews of the Montrose Life-boats, which were launched, had not done all that might have been expected of them, the Committee of the Institution requested the Board of Trade to hold a formal investigation into the circum- stances attending the casualty, and the action of the Life-boats on the occasion. The inquiry, which occupied six days, waa held at Montrose, and the finding of the Court entirely exonerated the Life-boats' crews from blame.

The Committee decided to express, through the local branch, their satisfaction at the result of the enquiry, and their appreciation of the efforts of the Life-boat men who had keenly felt the accusation, amounting to cowardice, which had been made against them.

Reported the resignation, on account of old age, of three members of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat crew, M. NICHOLLS, B. OSBORNE, and G. GRIGSON, Sen., who had respectively been in the Life-boat on service, on 10), 99 and €8 occasions.

Voted the second service clasp to NICHOILS and OSBORNE, who had received silver medals for long service in January, 1894, and the silver medal to GRIGSON, accompanied by a framed copy of the vote inscribed on vellum.

Voted an aneroid barometer bearing a suitable inscription, accompanied by the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. THOMAS AMBROSE, master of the barge Briton, and the thanks of the Institution, framed and on vellum, to Mr. EDOAB Drais, mate, for gallantly putting off in their boat and rescuing the master of the barge Either, of Erith, who was clinging to the mast, his vessel having sunk in Sea Beach, River Thames, in a gale from E.S.E., and a rough sea, on the night of the 14th October.

Also ll. 5s. to four working-men for assisting three of the crew of the barque Loch Fergus, of Liverpool, who were attempting to reach the shore in the vessel's boat, which, however, was capsized in making for the beach in Killiney Bay, Co. Dublin, on the 6th February.

Also thanks to the master of the tug Flying Sprite for services rendered to the Kingt-town Life-boat, which rescued the other members of the barque's crew.£. e. d.

Colonel B. P. DAVIS, J.P., per Walton-on-Naze Branch . . . 105 - - ELEANOR E. WADE.....50 - - CHARLES DENNY, Esq.....2o - - Worshipful Company of Leather- sellers ........21 - - —To oe severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £. s. d.

The late Miss ELIZABETH HANKEY, of Chester, per Liverpool Branch 338 8 9 The late JOHN SAY CLARKE, Esq., M.D., of Ryde........300 - - The late HUGH LLOYD JONES, Esq., of Broughton, Chester .... 270 - - The late W. J. ADAMS, Esq., of Lee 90 - - The late Miss E. A. HODGSON, of Tidenham, Gloucester ... 10 - - The late HENRY HENDEBOURCK, Esq., of Canonbury Park, N. ... 55- Voted the thanks of the Institution to E. L. LLOYD, Esq., and M. 0. PRESTON, Esq., in acknowledgment of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Newton Abbot and Lyme Regis Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services, extending over many years, of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches — Captain HERBERT, B.N., J.P., Salcombe and Hope Cove; H. APPLETON, Esq., Lizard; the Rev. A. E. HOCKLEY, Lynmouth ; W. J. VATJOHAN, Esq., Fishguard; WILLIAM McDouGALL. Esq., Eyemouth; JOHN McMcLLAN, Esq., Cloughey; BENJAMIN HEAPE, Esq., J.P., Rochdale; and CHARLES E. LIEBREIOH, Esq., Bradford.

Reported the transmission of a new steam Life-boat to the Padstow (Cornwall) Station, and of a new Life-boat to the Rhoscolyn (Anglesey) Station.

Paid 4,1411. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 2681. Us. dd, to defray the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Me-boat. Vessel. JjJ Berwick-on- 1 Ketch William Knox, of Tweed / Kirkcaldy. Landed 8.

Boulmer . . SS. Cattersby, of Middles- brough .....12 Caister No. 2 S.S. Russian Prince, of Newcastle. Rendered assistance.

Cresswell . . Steam-trawler Lapwing.

Stood by vessel.

Gourdon . . Fishery-cruiser Brenda, of Leith. Stood by vessel and rescued . 2 Groomsport . Schooner Caledonia . . 5 Newhaven. . Barque Peruvian, of Fano.....10 Penmon . . Schooner Devon, of Ply- mouth. Bend, assist.

Southend-on- ) SchoonerBj7/oto,of Inver- Sea ness. Landed 4 from | Mouse light-vessel. i Worthing . . Schooner Prince Llewellyn 5 ' Voted also 368Z. 9». Id. to pay for launches, watching or assemblies of crews of the following Life-boats with the view of assisting those on board vessels in distress:—Aldebugh, Angle, Broadstairs, Brooke, Dunbar, Hythe, Johns- haven, Newbiggin, Penzance, Plymouth, Selsey, Sennen Cove, Southsea, Thorpeness, Totland Bay, Weston-super-Mare, Weymouth, White- link Bay, Great Yarmouth, and Youghal.

Produced the report of the Board of Trade inquiry into the circumstances attending the casualty to the crew of the brigantine Freya, of Tonsberp, on the 20th October last. When some miles off Montrose the crew abandoned the vessel, which had lost her sails, and was leaking badly, in a strong S.B. gale and a very heavy sea, and attempted to reach the shore in their boat, which was capsized by the breakers, involving the loss of her whole crew with the exception of one man who had a lifebuoy and was washed ashore.

It having been alleged by some persons that the crews of the Montrose Life-boats, which were launched, had not done all that might have been expected of them, the Committee of the Institution requested the Board of Trade to hold a formal investigation into the circum- stances attending the casualty, and the action of the Life-boats on the occasion. The inquiry, which occupied six days, was held at Montrose, and the finding of the Court entirely exonerated the Life-boats' crews from blame.

The Committee decided to express, through the local branch, their satisfaction at the result of the enquiry, and their appreciation of the efforts of the Life-boat men who had keenly felt the accusation, amounting to cowardice, which had been made against them.

Reported the resignation, on account of old age, of three members of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat crew, M. NICHOLLS, B. OSBORNE, and G. GRIGSON, Sen., who had respectively been in the Life-boat on service, on 10), 99 and €8 occasions.

Voted the second service clasp to NICHOILS and OSBORNE, who had received silver medals for long service in January, 1894, and the silver medal to GRIGSON, accompanied by a framed copy of the vote inscribed on vellum.

Voted an aneroid barometer bearing a suitable inscription, accompanied by the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. THOMAS AMBROSE, master of the barge Briton, and the thanks of the Institution, framed and on vellum, to Mr. EDGAR Drais, mate, for gallantly putting off in their boat and rescuing the master of the barge Either, of Erith, who was clinging to the mast, his vessel having sunk in Sea Beach, River Thames, in a gale from E.S.E., and a rough sea, on the night of the 14th October.

Also ll. 5s. to four working-men for assisting three of the crew of the barque Loch Fergus, of Liverpool, who were attempting to reach the shore in the vessel's boat, which, however, was capsized in making for the beach in Killiney Bay, Co. Dublin, on the 6th February.

Also thanks to the master of the tug Flying Sprite for services rendered to the Kingt-town Life-boat, which rescued the other members of the barque's crew.£. e. d.

Colonel B. P. DAVIS, J.P., per Walton-on-Naze Branch . . . 105 - - ELEANOR E. WADE.....50 - - CHARLES DENNY, Esq.....2o - - Worshipful Company of Leather- sellers ........21 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £. s. d.

The late Miss ELIZABETH HANKEY, of Chester, per Liverpool Branch 338 8 9 The late JOHN SAY CLARKE, Esq., M.D., of Ryde........300 - - The late HUGH LLOYD JONES, Esq., of Broughton, Chester .... 270 - - The late W. J. ADAMS, Esq., of Lee 90 - - The late Miss E. A. HODGSON, of Tidenham, Gloucester ... 10 - - The late HENRY HENDEBOURCK, Esq., of Canonbury Park, N. ... 55- Voted the thanks of the Institution to E. L. LLOYD, Esq., and M. 0. PRESTON, Esq., in acknowledgment of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Newton Abbot and Lyme Regis Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services, extending over many years, of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches — Captain HERBERT, B.N., J.P., Salcombe and Hope Cove; H. APPLETON, Esq., Lizard; the Rev. A. E. HOCKLEY, Lynmouth ; W. J. VATJOHAN, Esq., Fishguard; WILLIAM McDouGALL. Esq., Eyemouth; JOHN McMcLLAN, Esq., Cloughey; BENJAMIN HEAPE, Esq., J.P., Rochdale; and CHARLES E. LIEBREIOH, Esq., Bradford.

Reported the transmission of a new steam Life-boat to the Padstow (Cornwall) Station, and of a new Life-boat to the Rhoscolyn (Anglesey) Station.

Paid 4,1411. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 2681. Us. dd, to defray the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Me-boat. Vessel. JjJ Berwick-on- 1 Ketch William Knox, of Tweed / Kirkcaldy. Landed 8.

Boulmer . . SS.Cattersby, of Middles- brough .....12 Caister No. 2 S.S. Russian Prince, of Newcastle. Rendered assistance.

Cresswell . . Steam-trawler Lapwing.

Stood by vessel.

Gourdon . . Fishery-cruiser Brenda, of Leith. Stood by vessel and rescued . 2 Groomsport . Schooner Caledonia . . 5 Newhaven. . Barque Peruvian, of Fano.....10 Penmon . . Schooner Devon, of Ply- mouth. Bend, assist.

Southend-on- ) SchoonerBj7/oto,of Inver- Sea ness. Landed 4 from | Mouse light-vessel. i Worthing . . Schooner Prince Llewellyn 5 ' Voted also 368Z. 9». Id. to pay for launches, watching or assemblies of crews of the following Life-boats with the view of assisting those on board vessels in distress:—Aldebrugh, Angle, Broadstairs, Brooke, Dunbar, Hythe, Johns- haven, Newbiggin, Penzance, Plymouth, Selsey, Sennen Cove, Southsea, Thorpeness, Totland Bay, Weston-super-Mare, Weymouth, White- link Bay, Great Yarmouth, and Youghal.

Produced the report of the Board of Trade inquiry into the circumstances attending the casualty to the crew of the brigantine Freya, of Tonsberp, on the 20th October last. When some miles off Montrose the crew abandoned the vessel, which had lost her sails, and was leaking badly, in a strong S.B. gale and a very heavy sea, and attempted to reach the shore in their boat, which was capsized by the breakers, involving the loss of her whole crew with the exception of one man which had a lifebuoy and was washed ashore.

It having been alleged by some persons that the crews of the Montrose Life-boats, which were launched, had not done all that might have been expected of them, the Committee of the Institution requested the Board of Trade to hold a formal investigation into the circum- stances attending the casualty, and the action of the Life-boats on the occasion. The inquiry, which occupied six days, was held at Montrose, and the finding of the Court entirely exonerated the Life-boats' crews from blame.

The Committee decided to express, through the local branch, their satisfaction at the result of the enquiry, and their appreciation of the efforts of the Life-boat men who had keenly felt the accusation, amounting to cowardice, which had been made against them.

Reported the resignation, on account of old age, of three members of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat crew, M. NICHOLLS, B. OSBORNE, and G. GRIGSON, Sen., who had respectively been in the Life-boat on service, on 10), 99 and €8 occasions.

Voted the second service clasp to NICHOILS and OSBORNE, who had received silver medals for long service in January, 1894, and the silver medal to GRIGSON, accompanied by a framed copy of the vote inscribed on vellum.

Voted an aneroidbatometer bearing a suitable inscription, accompanied by the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, to Mr. THOMAS AMBROSE, master of the barge Briton, and the thanks of the Institution, framed and on vellum, to Mr. EDGAR Drais, mate, for gallantly putting off in their boat and rescuing the master of the barge Either, of Erith, who was clinging to the mast, his vessel having sunk in Sea Beach, River Thames, in a gale from E.S.E., and a rough sea, on the night of the 14th October.

Also ll. 5s. to four working-men for assisting three of the crew of the barque Loch Fergus, of Liverpool, who were attempting to reach the shore in the vessel's boat, which, however, was capsized in making for the beach in Killiney Bay, Co. Dublin, on the 6th February.

Also thanks to the master of the tug Flying Sprite for services rendered to the Kingt-town Life-boat, which rescued the other members of the barque's crew. Also II. 10«. to three men for bringing ashore part of the crew of the B.S. Boilin Glen, at the same time piloting one of the ship's boats into safety, the vessel having stranded off Lendal- foot, Ayrshire, in a whole gale from S., and a very heavy sea, on the 10th February.

Also II. 5s. to the crew of a R.N.R. boat for rescuing an old fisherman whoso boat had stranded off Carnarvon in a strong S.W. by S. gale, and a very choppy sea, on the 11th February.

Also 1Z. 2«. Gd. to three men for putting off in a boat and saving a fisherman in distress off Workington, in a rough sea, on the 21st February. The man's boat, which was full of water, was towed ashore by the salvors.

Also 1Z., with a letter commending the skill with which he managed his boat, to Mr. DAS LOVERING, of Ilfracombe, who rescued five men from the gig Lily, which had been capsized about 2} miles N. of Ilfracombe pier in half a gale of-wind from the S., and a heavy sea, on the 22nd February.

Also 10«. to two men for rescuing two other men from a boat off Lackbeg, Co. Donegal, in squally weather, and a rough sea, on the 15th January. The boat becoming submerged, two of her occupants swam to the shore; another was drowned, and the two men who were rescued were clinging to the boat, which had risen to the surface again when relieved of the other men's weight.

SATURDAY, 18th March, 1899.

The Annual General Meeting of the Governors and friends of the Royal National Life-boat Institution took place this day at St. Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross Road, The Bight Hon. the EARL OF DERBY, K.G., G.C.B., in the Chair.

The Chairman having made some suitable observations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, the annual report (which will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal) was presented to the meeting.

The meeting was also addressed by the Hon. W. F. D. SMITH, M.P., Lord STANLEY, M.P., Sir LEWIS MclvER, Bart, M.P., Admiral the Bight Hon. Sir JOHN DALRYMPLE-HAY, Bart., K.C.B., AUGUSTUS HELDER, Esq., M.P., Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, and Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., Deputy Chairman of the Institution.

The officers for the current year were chosen, and various resolutions were moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution, and expressing the fullest con- fidence in the management.

The officers' names and the resolutions will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

Wednesday, 29th March, 1899.

A special meeting of the General Committee was held this day, Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Reported the lamented death on the 18th March of Mr. HUGH LINDSAY ANTROBUS (senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Coutts & Co., Bankers to the Institution), who had been the Treasurer of the Institution for 21 years.

Decided that a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs. ANTROBUS on the occasion of her sad bereavement.

Also that a special meeting of the Governors of the Institution be convened for Thursday, the 13th April, for the purpose of electing a Treasurer in succession to the late Mr. ANTROBUS.