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An American's Gift to English Life-Boat Men

Mr. P. B. PEMBEBTON, of New York, who was saved from the wreck of the Mohegan, recently Beat a present of 501. to the crew of the Porthonstock Life-boat, St. Keverne, Cornwall. la thanking him, the crew forwarded their photographs and a picture of the Life-boat, and in reply they have just received the following letter:— "MY GOOD FRIENDS,— " I have received with very much pleasure photographs of the Life-boat and of the members of its crew, which photographs, appropriately framed, now adorn the walls of my library. I appreci- ate more than I can say to yon the kindly feeling evidenced for my family and for me in your thus remembering us, and I shall carefully preserve the pictures as mementoes of the melancholy occasion when so many lives were lost, and when those of my family and myself were saved only by your bravery and heroism. Tour manly acts will afford a lesson which I shall delight to teach my sons, whose lives you saved, and will be an inspiration to your children to like deeds of heroism.

If it shall ever be my good fortune to visit England, I shall surely go amongst yon at Porthoustock, when I sincerely hope I may find each member of the life- saving crew in good health and sur- rounded by those comforts which should come to those whose lives are placed so constantly in jeopardy in the interest of their unfortunate brethren. Mrs. Pem- berton desires to join with me in again extending to each of you our sincere good wishes. « j am yonr friend " P. E. PEMBEETON.".