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Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

WICKLOW, IBELAND. -— The Life-boat placed here some years since having become unfit for further service has been replaced by the Institution—a fine new sailing boat of the self-righting type having, with the full concurrence of the Local Committee, coxswains and crew, baen specially built for the station. She is 40 feet long, and has a beam of 10£ feet, and in addition to masts and sails is fitted to pull 12 oars double banked. The boat was sailed to her station in April last and encountered very rough weather on her voyage from the Thames to Wicklow. It was most gratifying to learn that her excellent behaviour under those tryingcircumstances gave entire satisfaction to the navigating crew. Like the boat she superseded, the new Life-boat is named Bobert Theophilus Garden, after the late Mr. GABDBN, of Biver Lyons, King's County, Ireland, who in 1866 defrayed the cost of the complete renovation of the Wicklow Life-boat Establishment, in memory of his affectionate grandchildren, Mary Dorcas and Blanche Jane Champagne, and subsequently bequeathed a legacy to the Institution for the permanent en- dowment of the Life-boat. This is the third boat named after him which has been stationed at Wicklow.

KHOSCOLTN, AKGLESET.—A new self- righting Life-boat, 37 feet long and 9| feet wide, pulling 10 oars double banked, has been provided for this station in the place of one sent there twenty-one years since, which was presented to the Institu- tion and permanently endowed by the Countess DE MOBELLA, in memory of her late husband, RAMON CABEEBA, Field- marshal in the Spanish army, Count DE MOBELLA, Marquis DEL TIE. In accord- ance with the agreement between the benevolent donor and the Institution, the new Life-boat bears the same name as her predecessor, i.e. Samon Cabrera..