Resolutions Passed at the Annual General Meeting for 1899
Moved by The Eight Hon. The I as well as by the numerous " Life- EARL OF DEBBY, KG., G.C.B.
Seconded by The Hon. W. F. D. SMITH, M.P.
1. That the Annual Report be adopted, printed and circulated.
Moved by The Eight Hon. LORD STANLEY, M.P. (a Lord of the Treasury).
Seconded by Sir LEWIS MISTER, Bart., M.P.
2. That this Meeting, fully recogniz- ing the national importance of the work carried on by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and having the fullest confidence in its management, express its high appre- ciation of the gallantry of the Life- boat Coxswains and Crews and cor- dially acknowledge the important and unselfish help given to the cause by the Local Honorary Secretaries, Treasurers, Committees and the Press, boat Saturday" and Ladies'Auxiliary Committees throughout the country.
Moved by Admiral, The Eight Hon. Sir JOHN C. DALRYMPLE HAT, K.C.B., FJS.6.
Seconded by AUGUSTUS HELDER, Esq., M.P.
3. That the Noblemen and Gentle- men whose names have been read by the Secretary be the Officers of the Institution for the current year.
Moved by Sir EDWARD BIRK- BECK, Bart., V.P.
Seconded by Colonel FitzRoy CLAYTON, V.P.
4. That the best thanks of this Meeting be given to the Eight Hon.
the Earl of DERBY for so kindly pre- siding over this the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.