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Life-Boat Services In 1898


Lives saved.

Addgunde, barque, of Tonsberg 12 Albert, ketch, of Watchet......... 3 Anglo-Saxon, barge — rendered assistance.

Annie Warren, sch., of Aber- dovey ................................ 5 Antonin. ship, of Dunkirk— rendered assistance.

Aranmore, fishing luggers......... 20 Arion, schooner, of Bremerhaven 8 Atalanta, yacht—landed 3.

Autumn, ketch, of Hull—assisted to save vessel and.................. 4 Bankchef Fasting, S.P., of Chris- t ansund—remained by vessel, Beaconsfield, barque, of Dram- men.................................... 9 Beautiful Star, coble, of North Suuderland—stood by boat.

Beehive, sloop, stood by vessel.

Se**ie,flat,of Liverpool—stooil by.

Bessie Arnold, sch., Wbitehaven 5 Blue Jacket, ketch, of Blakejiey —rendered assistance.

Klue Jacket, s.s., of Cardiff ...... 22 Bonne Mere, barque, of Havie— assisted to save vessel and...... 13 Bay Nicholas, (•mack, of Lowes- toft—stood by vessel.

Brodrene Clausen, brig, of TSns- berg.................................... 1 Brothers, ketch, of Aberporth ... 3 Jiuda, s.s., of Leith—Imded 5.

Caerleon, ketch, of Bridgwater —assisted to save vessel and... 3 C. M. Reynolds, brigantine......... 5 Colleen, yacht, of Leith—assisted to save vessel.

Conovium, yawl, of Beaumaris— rendered assistance.

Craig Alvah, brigantine, of Dover —assisted to save vessel and... 8 Crowpitt, ketch, of Briilgwater... 4 Cullercoats, Filey, Hauxiey, Mon- trose, Newbiggin, Peterhead, Staithes and Torquay, fishing cobles—stood by boats.

Dagmar, scbooner—rend, assist.

Dahomey, s.s., of London—landed mails, &c., and 13 men.

Daisy, smack, of Great Yarmouth —stood by vessel.

Dalriada, s.s., of Glasgow......... 8 Dan, s.s., of Copenhagen—re- mained by vessel.

Diana, steam trawler, of Grimsby —rendered assistance.

Dolphin, ketch, of Bideford ...... 3 Doris, scbooner, of Liverpool ... 4 Dovey Belle, schooner, of Port- madoc—remained by vessel.

Baling, schooner, of Bude......... 4 Elizabeth, ketch, of Newport, Mon.—landed 2.

Ernst, schooner, of Earth ......... 3 Eureka, brigantiue, of Faver- sham ................................. 7 Feerder, barque, of Tousberg — landed 9.

Fertile, dandy, of Grimshy—stood by vessel.

Filey fishing cobles — rendered assistance.

Finlaygan, sch., of Campbeltown 4 five brothers, yawl, of Scar- borough .............................. 2 Francesco Crispi, s.s., of Messina 22 also rescued a monkey and a pet ram.

Frier, barquentine, of Porsgrund 8 F.T.B., smack, of Boston......... 4 Galatea, ship, of Greenuck ...... 25 Gannet, yawl, of exford—ren- dered assistance.

Gipsy, ketch, of Youghal ......... 3 Girv tn fishing boats—stood by boats.

Lives saved.

Gleaner, schooner, of Montrose— stood by vessel.

Glenard, ship, of Port Glasgow- rendered assistance.

Guiding Star, coble, of Whitburn —landed 1.

Harebell, brig, of Great Yarmouth 6 Harvest Queen, sch., of Runcorn 5 Haweswater, barque, of Liverpool —stood by vessel.

Helena Mena, barque, of London —assisted to save vessel.

Henry Harvey, brigantine, of Hayle ................................. 6 Hermann, sch., of Boekzeteler- fehn................................... 6 Hilda, barque, of Frederickstadt 8 Hugh Miller, sch., of Inverness... 6 Huntress, brigautine, of Belfast 4 Hurteg, schooner, of Christian- sund—assisted to save vessel and .................................... 5 Inga, barque, of Laurvig—re- mained by vessel.

Ismene, smack, of Ramsgate— assisted to save vessel and...... 3 James Shearer, scb., of Campbel- town—rendered assistance.

Jenny Lind, lugger, of Port St. Mary.............................. 3 Jessie, schooner, of Fleetwood ... 4 tT. M. J., schooner, of Bideford— saved vessel.

John and Ann, of Aberystwjth 3 Johannes, scb., of Grossefehn ... 5 John JZwing, sch., of Carnarvon 5 John Pitcairn, brig, of London... 9 Kathleen, brigantine, of Lowes- toft—landed 6.

Kiana, brigantine, of Marstal ... 7 Leander, schooner, of Carnarvon 3 Le Blanc, s.s , rendered assist.

Lizzie, smack, of Arklow— landed 4.

Lotus, S.S., of Antwerp—stood by.

Ludovicits, of West Hartlepool... 3 Lydia, skiff, of Campbeltown ... 4 Magdimeta, barque, of Kisor..... 10 Manchester City, s.s., of Man Chester—saved vessel and..... fi2 Manx Maid, H.S., of Ramsey..... 5 Margarethe, barque, of Borgo .. 11 Maria, brigantine, of Coleraine— assisted to save vessel and...... 6 Martha Dryden, coble, of Whitby 2 Martha Jane, of Aberystwyth ... 3 Mary, fishing boat, of Whithorn —saved boat and .................. 1 Mary James, schooner, of Peu- zance—landed 10.

Mary Jane, schooner, of Barrow 2 Mary Lloyd, sch., of Carnarvon 7 Mayjtower, smack, of Courtown— rendered assistance.

Meerents, ischooner — assisted to save vessel.

Mermaid, German barque—stood by vessel.

Milwaukee, s.s., of Liverpool— stood by vessel and rescued ... 21 Minnie, pilot cutter, of Newport, Mon.—stood by vessel.

Mohegan, steamer, of Hull......... 44 Nad-Odd, B.S., of Egersund— landed 11.

Nellie Mary, ketch, of Bideford 2 Newlands, of Belfast—landed 4.

Nimbus, barqne, of Sandefjord— landed 18.

Norden, galliot, of Haugesund— rendered assistance.

Nyanza, lugger, of Penzance— landed 4.

Ocean Wave, schooner, of Fowey —assisted to save vessel.

Oimara, ketch, of Campbeltown, boat of the........................... 1 Lives eared.

Oman, schooner, of Osthammer 7 Pampa, thip, of Hamburg—as- sisted to save vessel and........ 24 Parkgate fishing boats—saved 3 boats and ........................... 8 Parkside, bngantine, of Dundalk 5 Piel Castle, schooner, of Barrow 4 Polar L-'ght, steamer, of Greenock 3 Poole Fisher, schooner, of Barrow 6 Prince Consort, brig, of Favers- ham—assisted to save vessel and 8 Progress, ketch, of Aberystwyth 3 Queen, yacht, of New Brighton —stood by vessel.

Queen of the Sea, schooner, of Gravesend ........................... 7 Reaper, three-masted schooner, of Truro—rendered assistance.

Return, schouner, of Greenocfc... 5 Khoda, schooner, of Portrush ... 6 Ripple, yacht, of Liverpool- stood by vessel.

River Thames, barque, of Flekke- fjord—stood by vessel.

Robert and Elizabeth, schooner, of Lancaster ........................ 4 Robin Hood, ketch, of Plymouth —landed 4.

R. W. Jackson, coble, of Whitby —assisted to save boat and...... 3 Samuel Dixon, schooner, of Wex- furd—landed 6.

Saxon, steam tug, of Falmouth... 4 Scarborough fishing cobles — landed 32 men and assisted to save boats.

Selby, s.s., of Stockton—stood by vessel.

Sheringbam fishing boats—stood by boats and saved............... 2 Silver Eagle, fishing boat, of Stonehaven........................... 5 Speculation,'r&ch., of Krageroe— stood by vessel.

Speculation, brig, of Christiania 7 St. Andrew's, fishing boat of...... 3 Stephen and Sarah, brigantine, of Whitstable—stood by vessel.

Strathcarron, s.s., of Glasgow... 27 Swift, ketch, of Bideford. ......... 3 Sylvia, schooner, of Liverpool— stood by vessel.

Thelma, steamer, of Caristiania —rendered assistance.

Thomas, schooner, of Carnarvon 3 Thomas, schooner, of Lowestoft —rendered assistance.

Thomas Stratton, dandy, of Mai- don—assisted to save vessel and 7 Tranquil, coble, of Whitby...... 3 Twin Sisters, sch., of Drummore 3 Umbria, scb., of Hull—lauded 6.

Unionet barque, of Naples—as- sisted to save vessel and......... 12 Velocity, schooner, of Leith ...... 6 Vine, fishii.g boat, of Stonehaven 5 Vortigern, fonr-masted barque, of London—remained by vessel.

Waterloo, ketch, of Carnarvon... 3 Wilhelm, schooner, of Riga......... 5 William Thomson, schooner, of Durnlries.............................. 4 Youghal, boat of ..................... 6 Total lives saved by Life- boats in 1*98. in addition to 22 vpsselt* and 137 per&ons landed from vessels in distress and lightships..................... 682 UnriuK the oame period tne Institution granted rewards for savins lives by fishing and otber boats .................. 74 Total lives saved in 1898 by Life-boats and other means... 756.