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Unione (1)

KlNGSDOWNE AND NORTH DEAL. On 16th August the Life-boat Charles Hargrave, stationed at Kingsdowne, and the Mary Somerville, of North Deal, were launched early in the morning, signal guns having been fired by the East Goodwin and Gull Light Vessels. A thick fog prevailed at the time. The barque Unione, of Naples, bound from Savannah for Antwerp, was found stranded on the south part of the Goodwin Sands, and the Life-boat men offered to render what help they could to get the vessel afloat. Their services being accepted, they assisted in jettisoning the cargo, which consisted of turpentine and resin, and also helped to man the pumps. On the following day the barque floated, and was taken to the Downs with the assistance of a steam-tug..