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The Institution Mourns

A GREAT loss has, within the last few weeks, fallen on the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and the Life-boat Cause has been deprived of a strong supporter and constant friend by the death of ALGERNON GEORGE PERCY, Sixth Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, E.G., which occurred at Alnwick Castle on the 2nd January last, after a somewhat short illness. . The Duke, who at his death was in his eighty-ninth year, had held the important office of President of the Institution for the long period of thirty-three years; but his interest in the cause dated back as far as 1858, 'when, as Lord Lovaine, he first became a regular supporter of the work. Up to the last the Duke was greatly interested in the reports which he received from time to time relative to the Institution and he evinced much concern when anything happened which he thought might in any way retard its progress or hinder its development. All friends of the Institution will deplore the loss which it has sustained by the death of its venerable and venerated President. The remains of the deceased nobleman are interred in the family vault in Westminster Abbey.