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River Thames

WALMER.—Guns were heard in the direction of the Middle Light Vessel during hazy weather at about 10.15 a.m.

on the 29th June, and shortly afterwards a barque was discerned stranded close to the Light Vessel. The Life-boat Civil Service No. 4 was launched, proceeded to the sand, and found the stranded vessel was the barque River Thames. She belonged to Flekkefjord, and was on a voyage from Hamburg for Pensacola, in ballast. The ebbing tide had left her dry on the sands, and the Life-boat was unable to get alongside until half-past one. The master stated that he had engaged a boat to go to Dover for a tug, and he requested that the Life-boat would remain by him until high water. Two tugs arrived, and at six o'clock succeeded in towing the vessel off, and took her to the Downs. The Life-boat left her at 7.30, and half an hour later returned to her station..