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WINTERTON. — The full - rigged ship Galatea, of Greenock, bound from Hamburg to Sydney with a general cargo, stranded on Hammond's KnolJ, in a fresh N.E. breeze, a rough sea and thick weather, on the 27th June. The lookout man at Winterton, having observed her, at once gave an alarm, and at 8.30 a.m. the No. 2 Life-boat Margaret was launched, and proceeded to the vessel in tow of a steam-tug. The master having engaged the Life-boat men to try to get the ship off, the tug was despatched to Winterton to fetch more help, and returned with the No. 1 Life-boat Edward Sirkbeck. The wind and sea, however, increased, the ship was fast filling with water, and ultimately all efforts to save her had to be abandoned, and she became a total wreck, her crew of twenty-five men being rescued by the Life-boats..