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Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

NEW BRIGHTON.—The tubular Life- boat on this station having become unfit for further service has, in accordance with the wishes of the crew, been replaced by a non-self-righting sailing Life-boat of the Watson type, 43 ft. long and 12 ft. 6 in.

wide. She is fitted to row 10 oars, for use when the sails cannot be utilised.

This boat was endowed by the late Mr. H. T. BicHABnsoN, of Bryntyfryd, Pwllheli, as a memorial of his late father, and accordingly she is, like the one she superseded, named the Henry Bichardson.

PWLLHELI.—A similar Life-boat, but of somewhat smaller dimensions, i.e., 38 ft.

by 9 ft. 6 in., has recently been placed on this station, the crew having expressed their opinion that the Life-boat previously supplied to them was not well suited to the requirements of the locality. The new boat bears the same name as the one she replaced, viz., Margaret Plait of Staly- Lridge, after the benefactor whose bequest was appropriated to this Life-boat station.

GBIMSBY and PADSTOW. — The Screw Steam Life-boats recently statioaed at these places are fully described and illustrated on pp. 270-4.

PIEL, LANCASHIRE.—The Committee of the Barrow Branch, and the Coxswains and crew of the Life-boat at that place, having strongly urged that a boat stationed at Piel, where the boat was formerly located, would be likely to be of more service than the one at Barrow, the Institution has accordingly sent a Life-boat there on trial. She is kept hauled up on a pitched stone slipway adjacent to the old Custom House, and the Barrow Life-boat Station, mil be maintained until the question of establishing a Life- boat Station permanently at Piel has been determined. The Life-boat supplied is a self-righting boat, 39 ft. long, 9 ft. wide, and rowing 12 oars double-banked; she was withdrawn from Holyhead on a Steam Life-boat being placed there, and is named Thomas Fielden. She is an endowed bo»t, presented to the Society many years since by Messrs. SAMUEL, JOHN and JOSHOA. FIELDM, of Todmoiden, in memory of their late uncle, the well- known philanthropist..