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A Life-Boat Song

proudly rules the waves.

And honour's justly due To those who guard the Union Jack,— Our tars so staunch and true; But now a peaceful lay we sing, And glory, too, to boast Of those who rescue lives so dear From wrecks around our coast.


Hurrah! for the Life-boat's crew, The men who are gallant and true, Whose hearts know no fear, as their brave boat they steer In the trough of the angry sea; Let us cheer them once more, as they pull for the shore, For onr heroes they always shall be; "With men such as they, we can make the world say That Britons must ever be free.

2, Colborne Terrace, Torquay.

Our soldiers, too, have proved their worth In many a valiant fight, And when Old England needs their aid They'll strike again with might; But Peace is nobler far than War, And so our hearts beat fast For those who Nature's wrath defy When all hope else is past.

Hurrah 1 &c.

From cosy fireside forth they rush, While rockets cleave the air; The boat is launched, and off they start With just a muttered prayer.

They're lost! Ah, no! they reach the wreck— Oh, God! protect them still; All hands are saved, the shore they gain— Now shout, lads, with a will! Hurrah! &c.