The S.S Strathcarron
CRESSWEL NORTHUMBERLAND. On the morning of the 30th April while the wind was blowing half a gale from S.E., accompanied by a heavy sea, the 8.8.
Strathcarron, of Glasgow, bound from Danzic for Philadelphia, via the Tyne, laden with sugar, was observed stranded on the rocks at Brig Head. She had run aground in a dense fog, and before she was seen from the shore the mate and three of the crew took one of their boats and made for the land; the boat was capsized, but fortunately the men were able to swim to the shore. At 5 o'clock the Life-boat Ellen and Eliza was launched, proceeded to the vessel and at the master's request remained by her. It was however found impossible to get the vessel afloat and, as it seemed probable that she would become a total wreck, it was decided to abandon her, and in two trips the Life-boat brought safely ashore the twenty-seven men oa board, all being safely landed at 7.15..