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BROUGHTY FERRY.—On the 20th Maythe brig Speculation, of Ohristiania, bound from Tayport for Bremen, with coal, was in tow of a steam-tug in a strong N.E.

wind and a choppy sea, when the towrope broke. Another hawser was attached, but that rope also parted and the vessel began to drift towards the Abertay Sands.

As quickly as possible a third rope was passed on board, but, although the rope was able to stand the strain the brig's windlass gave way, the vessels were once more separated, and the brig went aground on the sands and heeled over.

Her dangerous position being observed from the shore, the Life-boat Samuel Shawcross was launched and proceeded to her. The seas were breaking over her, she had several feet of water in her hold and was gradually settling down. The heavy swell rendered it impossible for the Life-boat to approach her, and therefore the boat anchored aud waited for a lull in the storm, when she succeeded in getting alongside and, with considerable danger, rescued the crew, consisting of seven men, some of their belongings and the ship's papers. The vessel became a total wreck..