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Hartside and Kathleen

FLAMBOROUGH.—At noon on the 27th March a telephone message was received from Bridlington asking that the Life-boat might take provisions to the steamer Hartside, of Newcastle, which was lying off Sewerby. A gale of wind was blowing from the N.E., accompanied by a heavy sea, snow and rain. Shortly after the receipt of the message the Life-boat Matthew Middlewood was launched and took out provisions, which were gratefully received by the steamer's crew, to whom the Life-boatmen also gave all the tobaccothey had with them. Signals were then shown by the brigantine Kathleen, of Lowestoft, and the Life-boat at once proceeded to her. Her store of provisions was nearly exhausted, and five of her crew were anxious to go ashore. They got into the Life-boat, two other men deciding to remain in the ship, were landed, and on the following morning returned to the vessel..