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SUNDERLAND, SOUTH OUTLET. While a whole gale was blowing from E.N.E., accompanied by a very heavy sea, snow and hail, on the 26th March, the threemasted schooner Arion, of Bremerhaven, laden with coal, stranded on Hendon Beach and became a total wreck. At 10 A.M. the Life-boat Eichard and Nellie Hedges was launched and rescued the vessel's crew consisting of eight men.

The service, which was an excellent one —the Life-boat being handled with great skill and judgment—was witnessed by large number of people who gathered on the cliffs and beach and gave tremendous cheers as the last man from the schooner, the skipper, got into the boat. Some of the men were in an exhausted state and had to be supported; all of them as they walked through the crowd were heartily welcomed with hand-shakes and cheers..