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J. M. J.

APPLEDORE, NORTH DEVON.—Signals of distress having been observed, the Lifeboat Jane Hannah MacDonald was launched at 8.20 P.M. on the 20th January in a moderate S.W. wind, a heavy sea, and thick weather. The schooner J. M. J., of Bideford, was found stranded on Santon Sands, but the master refused to leave her. The Life-boat remained by the vessel about half an hour, and then returned to the shore, arriving at 11 o'clock, and the coxswain reported the matter to two members of the Local Committee. It was decided that the Boat should return to the vessel and render such service as was possible. On her way out the Life-boat met the ship's boat containing the master and crew. The captain and one hand got into the Lifeboat and returned to the vessel, the sea being too heavy for their/ own boat to approach he*. When the vessel floated, these two men and some of the Life-boat men boarded her and got her anchors up.

Two anchors were laid out by the Lifeboat to help to haul her into deep water, the Life-boat men assisted at the pumps, as she was leaking, and the vessel was taken into safety..