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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1897

Jan. 6 —A. man put off in a boat from Tenby and rescued two of the crew of the fishing-b at Rajah, of Brixham, which stranded outride Tenby Harbour in a moderate gale from S.E.

and a very heavy sea.—Reward, II.

Jan. 14.—Voted 61. to four Ramsgate men for putting off in a wherry, at risk to themselves and their boat, and saving the crew of four men of the smack Alicia, of that port, which stranded outside the harbour and became a total wreck in a moderate gale from S.E. and a rough sea, on the 4th December last.

Also 31. to a Plymouth police constable and two other men for helping, by means of ropes, to save nineteen of the crew of the s.s. Arid, of West Hartlepool, which was wrecked in Ply- mouth Sound during a strong gale from 3. and a heavy sea, on the 8th December.

Also' 21 5*. to six men for putting oft in a small boat from Bull Bay, Anglesey, with the view of helping the schooner Gommershaw. of Barrow, which was thought to be in distress in a fresh gale from S.W., a moderate sea, and thick weather on the 24th December.

Also 11. 5t. t6 five men for going out in a harbour boat from St. Peter's Port, Guernsey, and offering assistance to the Ketch Laurence Desirfe, of Lannion, which was anchored in a perilous position in a strong S.W. wind and a somewhat rough sea on the 10th December.

Jan. 23.—The crew of the private Life-boat Henry Barney Upcher, of Sheringham, rescued the crew of eight men from the brig Inpolen, of KragerB, which was run ashore, being leaky, at Sheringham, in a N.E. gale and a very heavy sea.—Reward, 201. 5s.

Feb. 18.—Pour men put off in a boat and rescued the crew of three men from the smack Alarm, of Belfast, which stranded on Copeland Island, Co. Down, in a moderate S.W. gale and a very rough sea.—Reward SI.

Feb. 19.—Two men rescued two other men from a boat which had been swamped in Dungloe Bay, co. Donegal.—Reward 11.

Feb. 20.—Five men rescued the crew, con- sisting of five men, from the schooner Research, of Duudalk, which had stranded at Giles Quay, in a strong W. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 2Z. 10».

March 3.—Ten men rescued, by means of lines, ten persons from the Norwegian vessel Rip, which stranded at Burnham, Somerset- shire, in a whole gale from W.N.W. and a heavy sea.—Reward, 5Z.

March 3.—Eleven men rescued the crew of seven men from the brig Mary Stowe, of Whitby, which was leaking badly off Gorton, in a moderate W.S.W. gale and a heavy sea.— Reward, 51. 10*.

March 4.—Seven fishermen put off in two bouts' and saved the crew of four men from the fishing-boat Lily, of Lerwick, which had been caught by a high wave and dashed to pieces on a rock while returning to port in a strong S.E. breeze and a heavy sea.— Reward 71.

March 26.—Ten men put off in the local surf boat at Gourdon, Kincurdineshire, and rescued the crew of five men from the fishing-boat Agnes and Mary Ann, which was totally wrecked in a strong S.E. gale and a very heavy sea.— Reward, 51.

April 4.—Five men put off in a boat to the assistance of. the galley punt Gipsy Queen, of Deal, which was filled by heavy seas while launching from Deal beach, and was in a sink- ing state in a moderate gale and a heavy sea.

—Reward, 51.

April 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, and the sum of 31. to JAMES FLETT, one of the crew of the fishing-boat Betsy Hughes, of Pittenweem, for gallantly saving a boy who had been struck by the sail and knocked overboard from the flshing-hoat John and Agnes, of St. Monance, when between Anstruther and Pittenweem, in a strong N.E.

breeze, a heavy sea, and a hard frost, on the - 6th February. On observing the accident, James Flutt divested himself of some of his clothing, plunged overboard, swam to the boy, who was then unconscious, rescued him, and took him to the Betsey Hughes.

April 10.—Three men assisted a Broadstairs skiff, which had been partly swamped at Dumpton Gap in a strong N.N.E. breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, 15?.—11. was also granted to the men, being the amount they would have received for a pilotage engagement, which however was lost through rendering this service.

April 11.—Six men put off in a fishing-boat and rescued five men and a dog from the ketch Mountsfield, of Rye, which had stranded and sunk off Withernsea, Yorkshire, in a strong S.E. wind and a somewhat rough sea.— Reward, 31.—11. Is. was also awarded to seven men who assisted to launch the boat used by the salvors.

April 29.—Three men put off in a boat and saved four fishermen, whose two boats had been in collision and sank off Port Stewart, co. Londonderry, in squally weather.—Reward, 15g. 10s. was also granted to two other men in payment for rope lost in rendering help to one of the boats.

June 16.—Seven men, forming the crew of the steam-tug Brock, of Fleetwood, rescued the crew of three men from the flat William and Alice, which had stranded on a bank oppo- site the Wyre Lighthouse, in a strong W.S.W.

gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 31. 10s.

July 4.—Three men rescued four men from the sailing boat Lily, of Holyhead, which had been capsized in Holyhead Bay in a strong breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, 11. 2». 6d.

July 9.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, with the sum of £2 each, to THOMAS PICKARD, GEORGE CAULFIELD, JAMES MCLADGLAN, G. KELLY and EDWARD ROURKE for gallant services rendered under the following cir- cumstances. On the 11th May the trawler Dodger, of Ringsend, sprung a leak when off the Nose of Howth and signalled to the hooker Storm King, of Howth, which took her in tow but she immediately began to sink.

The Storm King promptly launched a boat with THOMAS RICKARD and GEORGE CAULFIELD on board, who took off the Dodger's crew of two men, but that vessel's boom fouled the boat and carried it partly down, leaving the four men struggling in the water. They regained and righted the boat, but she was capsized three times by rough seas. The hooker Maymaid, of Howth, then bore down and sent a boat manned by McLxuGLAN, KELLY and ROURKE, who picked up the four men from the water, incurring great risk of their own boat being capsized. ' 12. each was also awarded to the masters of the two vessels for promptly proceeding to the rescue, and the sum of 32. 11«. was granted to defray the cost of repairing damage to the Storm King's boat and replacing gear, etc., lost on the occasion.

July 14.—Two men rescued three other men whose boat, a pair-oared skiff, had been filled by rough seas and drifted ashore, her occupants supporting themselves by the oars, &c., in Poole Harbour.—Reward, 12.

Aug 6.—A man rescued two men from a boat which had been capsized by a squall in Glandore harbour, co. Cork.—Reward, 10«.

The sum of 21.10s. was also awarded to the salvor, as compensation for damage to his boat and gear lost in rendering the service.

Aug. 12.—Voted 5«. to a man who rescued another man from a boat which had sunk near Shanes Island, co. Donegal, in a strong W. breeze and a smooth sea on the 5th Decem- ber last.

Aug. 19.—A man rescued two men from a small boat which was drifting seawards, off Clovelly, in a strong S.W. breeze and a rough sea. The salvor was in charge of a sailing boat with five passengers, and on observing the distressed boat, made for it, and brought the men, who were much exhausted, safely ashore.—Reward, 10«.

Aug. 26.—Seven men rendered assistance to the tug Albert, of Connah's Quay, which was temporarily disabled by damage to her machinery, near the rocks at Great Orme's Head, in foggy weather.—Reward, '61. 10«.

Sept. 3.—Eight men put off in a boat and rescued three men from the boat Star of Hope, in a moderate N.N.W. gale and a heavy sea.— Reward, 82.

Sept. 3.—A man rescued the crew of four men from a Coastguard boat which had been capsized off Sidmouth in a strong wind and a moderate sea.—Reward, 10».

Sept. 10.—A fisherman and a boy rescued a man whose boat had capsized and sunk off Southwold, Suffolk, in a strong N.E. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 15».

Sept. 12.—Three Deal pilots rescued two men who were drifting out to sea in a boat off Broadstairs, in a strong N.E. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 12. 2». 6(2.

Sept 17.—Two pilots rescued two men whose boat had been capsized by a squall in Poole harbour.—Reward, 12.

Nov. 3.—Two fishermen rescued the crew of two men from the fishing-boat Mermaid, of Bucks Mills, which had been capsized in Barnstaple Bay in a moderate to strong breeze from S.E. and a moderate sea.—Reward, 15s.

Nov. 11.—Resolved that a letter of thanks and the sum of 10s. be presented to Captain John Rayer, of the steam-tug Salvor, of Cardiff, and 10«. to each of the crew of four men of that vessel, for promptly casting off a ship which they, in company with another tug, had in tow, and proceeding to the assistance of the ketch Cruiser, of Barnstaple, which had been lun down by a steamer off Hangman Hill, Devonshire, on the night of the 27th October. They succeeded in rescuing two of the vessel's crow of three men, the other having been drowned before help could reach him.

Nov. 15.—Fifteen men landed the crew of the barque Ruby, of Belfast, which had broken from her moorings alongside the pier at Ross- lare, Ireland.—Reward, 72. 10«.

Nov. 28.—Five men put off in a boat and rescued two of the crew of the B.S. Landore, of Liverpool, which stranded on the Manhere rock, -Lizard, in a moderate wind and sea.— Reward, 12. 5s.

Nov. 29.—Five Royal Artillerymen put off in a boat and endeavoured to rescue five comrades who were unable to return to the shore, having gone off in 'a boat to secure other boats which were adrift. The would-be rescuers were carried out to sea, and they and the occupants of the other boat were picked up by passing steamers.—Reward, 22. 10«.

Nov. 29.—A man waded into the water and by means of a line assisted the crew of the schooner Percy, of Woodbridge, to land; their vessel having stranded near Winterton in a gale and very heavy sea.—Reward, 10«.

Dec. 2.—Seventeen men put off in a large yawl from Wells, Norfolk, and rescued a man from the cutter Nancy, of Grimsby, which had sunk in a N.E. gale.—Reward, 252. 10». The sum of 32. 18«. 9d. was also awarded to fifteen men who were engaged in launching and hauling up the yawl on the occasion.