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Resolutions Passed at the Annual General Meeting for 1898


Moved by His Grace The DUKE OF LEEDS.

Seconded by Colonel SAUNDER- SON, M.P.

1. That the Annual Report be adopted, printed and circulated, and that this Meeting record its un- qualified satisfaction at the complete vindication of the Management of the Institution by the Parliamentary Committee appointed by the House of Commons last year, at the request of the Committee of Management, to inquire into the administration of the Institution and into the adequacy of its organisation for saving life on the coast.

Moved by The Right Hon. Sir FRANCIS H. JEUNE, K.C.B.

Seconded by Admiral The Right Hon. Sir JOHN C. DALBY ME HAY, Bart., K.C.B., F.B.S.

2. That this Meeting, fully recogniz- ing the great national work carried on by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and having complete confidence in its management, ex- press its admiration of the unselfish bravery of the Life-boat Coxswains and Crews and its high appreciation of the important and generous help given to the cause by the Local Honorary Secretaries, Treasurers, Committees and the Press, as well as by the numerous Committees and Ladies' Auxiliaries connected with the " Life-boat Saturday " movement.

Moved by The Hon. Mr. Justice BRUCE.

Seconded by JAMES BOUND, Esq., M.P.

3. That the Noblemen and Gentlemen whose names were read by the Secretary, be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:— (Vide p. 33 for this list.) Moved by Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., Y.P.

Seconded by Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P.

4. That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to His Grace the DUKE OF LEEDS for so ably presiding over this the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.