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Two Fishing Boats

PORT PATRICK.—On the afternoon of the 19th June two fishing-boats proceeded to the North fishing ground. One of them was fully manned, but the other had been hired by two visitors, and her crew consisted of a man and a boy. Towards evening a moderate gale sprung up from 8.E. and there was a rough sea; the weather also was thick and heavy rain was falling, and as the boat would have strong tide against her it was feared that she would be driven out into the Channel.

At 6 o'clock the Life-boat Civil Service No. 3 was.launched, and the surmise that the boat would be unable to return unaided proved correct, for she was found to have taken shelter at Brandyport Bay, where one of the visitors had landed. The boat and her three occupants were taken safely into Port Patrick harbour by the Life-boat, whose crew had a stiff and tedious pull home, the men being drenched by the continuous rain..