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The S.S. Laleham

CAISTER.—On the 4th June a dense fog prevailed. It lifted at times, and in one of the intervals the look-out man observed a large steamer in close proximity to the Scroby Sand, and signalguns were fired from the Cookie and St. Nicholas Light-vessels. At 2 P.M.

the Life-boat Beaiicliamp was launched and found the s.s. Laleham, of Newcastle, bound for Beval with salt, aground on the middle Scroby Sand. The captain declined assistance, hoping the vesselwould float at high water, and the Lifeboat remained at hand, the coxswain having explained to the master the position in which his vessel was placed.

Meanwhile the mate went ashore to obtain instructions. During the night the steamer drove a considerable distance along the sands until she struck, heeled over and remained fast. The captain then engaged the services of the Lifeboat men and steam-tugs to get the vessel off, if possible, and a number of men having been brought off to her by Lloyd's Agent for the purpose of jettisoning the cargo, and the anchors having been laid out under the direction of the Life-boat men, she was ultimately got afloat and taken into Yarmouth Roads after striking the N.W. spit of the Cross Sand in consequence of the fouling of the anchors and tow-ropes. During the whole of the time there was a dense fog, and there is no doubt that the Caister men, with their local knowledge of the sands, saved the vessel from total loss. The Life-boat regained her station at noon on Sunday the 6th June, her crew being thoroughly exhausted..