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The Old Battleship Foudroyant

BLACKPOOL.—The old battleship Fou,- droyant, at one time Lord Nelson's flagship, which had been towed round the coast for the purpose of exhibition, while at anchor off Blackpool on the 16th June was overtaken by a sudden gale. At about 3 A.M. the wind rose with great velocity from the S.W., and in a short time a terrific storm was raging. It was hoped that the cables of the Foudroyant would bear the strain, but between 4 and 5 o'clock she dragged her anchors and commenced to drive inshore. At 9 o'clock she hoisted a signal of distress, and shortly afterwards she grounded about six hundred yards from high-water mark. The wind then veered towards N.W., increasing in fury, and soon after 11 o'clock the vessel's main-mast and fore-mast went by the board.

The terrific seas dashing against and over the sea-walls rendered it impossible to launch the Life-boat then, and there was no alternative but to wait until the turn of the tide, which was due at about 1 o'clock. The Life-boat Samuel Fletcher, Manchester, was as soon as practicable launched, was rowed in splendid style to the vessel, and by 2.30 was again ashore with twenty-eight men whom she had rescued from the ship. An extra reward was granted to the crew of the Life-boat in recognition of the good service they rendered on this occasion. The historical old vessel afterwards became a complete wreck..