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The Annie Crosfield

HOLYHEAD.—On the 8th May news was brought by a steamer that a three-masted schooner was wrecked on the Skerries.

The Life -boat Thomas Fielden was manned at 9 A.M., was towed by the steamer to the scene of the disaster, and on arrival found the vessel had just floated off the rocks bottom up. The Life-boat men volunteered to try to make fast a hawser to the schooner, in order to enable the steamer to tow her to Holyhead. After much labour, the greater part of which was done actually under water, it was made fast, but after towing for a few minutes, the strain was so great that the hawser parted. A steam-tug then came up and the hawser was passed on board her by the Life-boat with difficulty. The tug proceeded for Holyhead and finally put the vessel ashore on the beach. The Life-boat picked up the schooner's crew from their own boat and put them on board the first-mentioned steamer, which took them to Holyhead. The vessel was the Annie Crosfield, of Barrow, bound from Cork for Garston and laden with pit timber..