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Pensions, Etc. For Deserving Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen of Long Service

WITH the view if still farther recognising long, faithful and good service in the Life-boat cause, the Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION introduced on the 1st January 1 last a pension and gratuity scheme, under which Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen, when retired on account of old age, accident, ill-health, or abolition of post, will receive special allowances as a reward for their good services. The Committee believe that by the adoption of this coarse, which has given the greatest satisfaction amongst the men all round the coast, their effort to obtain the best men for the work will be materially assisted, and that it will act as an incentive and inducement to the men to do their utmost to discharge their duties satisfactorily and well. The amounts granted, whether in pensions or gratuities, are necessarily based on the salaries and other moneys the men receive from the Institution in recognition of their services to the cause, and it must be borne in mind that none of those who will benefit by the scheme are dependent for their living on the Institution, but that they earn their livelihood as fishermen, pilots, boatmen, &c. The Institution merely pays them for their time and labour actually spent and given in the service. This work does not occupy much of their time, the necessary result being that the salaries paid are small.

The Institution has for many years given compensation to any who may have been injured whilst employed in the service, and this much-appreciated system will still be continued concurrently with the granting of pensions and gratuities to deserving Coxswains, Bowmen and Signal- men under the conditions prescribed in the scheme which we append.


Retiring Allowances to be Granted on and from 1st January, 1898, to Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen of Good Behaviour, and subject to Due and Satisfactory Discharge of Duty.


PENSIONS.—Retired on account of old age, ill-health, accident, or abolition of post, after ten years' and upwards service as Coxswain Superintendents: 10s. for each year as Coxswain Superintendent, and 5s. for each year as Second Coxswain, but the total amount of pension not to exceed 122. per annum.

COMMUTATION OF PENSION. — 21. for every year's service as Coxswain Superintendent, and 1?. for each year's service as Second Coxswain.

GRATUITIES.—Retired on account of old age, ill-health, accident, or abolition of post, after five years' service as Cox- swain Superintendent, but with less than ten years of such service, 11. 10s. for each year, and 15s. for each year of service as Second Coxswain.

The salary of a Coxswain Superintendent is usually 81. per annum, irrespective of tank and other allowances.


PENSIONS.—Retired on account of old age, ill-health, accident, or abolition of post, after ten years' and upwards service as Second Coxswain: 5s. for each year,.

but total amount of pension not to exceed 61. per annum.

COMMUTATION OF PENSION. — 1L for every year's service as Second Coxswain. GRATUITIES.—Retired on account of old age, ill-health, accident, or abolition of post, after five years' service as Second Coxswain, bat with less than ten years' service, 15s. for each year.

The salary of a Second Coxswain is usually 2Z. per annum, irrespective of tank and other allowances.


PENSIONS.—Retired on account of old age, ill-health, accident, or abolition of post, after ten years and upwards of service as Bowman, 2s. 6d. for each year, but total not to exceed 31. per annum.

Bowmen with less than ten years' service as Bowmen to receive nothing on retirement.


every year's service as Bowman.

for The salary of a Bowman is 11. 10s. per annum, irrespective of exercise and service allowances.


PENSIONS.—Retired on account of old age, ill-health, accident, or abolition of post, after ten years and upwards of service as Signalman, provided he is not already receiving a pension as a retired Coxswain Superintendent or Second Cox- swain, 2s. for each year, but total not to exceed 22.10s. Signalmen with less than ten years' service as Signalmen to receive nothing on retirement.

COMMUTATION OF PENSION.—8s. for every year's service as Signalman.

The salary of a Signalman is 11. per annum, irrespective of other allowances.

Pensions to be paid annually in advance.

All pensions and gratuities to be paid through the Local Honorary Secretary.

Should the pensioner have removed to an address at which there is no Local Branch of the Institution, payment to be made from the Institution direct.

By order of the Committee, CHARLES DIBDIN, Secretary.


11th November, 1897.