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The Life-Boat Saturday Fund

SINCE the issue of the Parliamentary Report last July, which stated that the charges of mismanagement brought against the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION with regard to the Life-boat Saturday Fund were " entirely without foundation/' greatly increased activity has been evinced by the Life - boat Saturday Committees all over the country.

The serious and extraordinary charges which had been so unjustly made against the management had produced the most damaging effects, financially and other- wise, making it extremely difficult for any of the committees to act, or to arrange or promote demonstrations and collections. Thus not only was zeal damped but progress paralysed. Justice having now been done to the movement by the most impartial and independent of tribunals, hope and effort have gene- rally revived, and the Life-boat Saturday friends have been making earnest en- deavours to recover lost ground and to open up new "gold-fields." It is of course too late in the year now to arrange for demonstrations to take place before its close. Demonstrations, galas and other out-of-doors entertainments must of necessity take place in the summer time and in suitable weather, or, at all events, when the weather ought to be suitable; effort has of late been rather directed, therefore, to making preparations for the 1898 season, which in view of all that has happened should be more successful than any of its predecessors. Those helpers who, directly they scented the breath of calumny, deserted with such alacrity the cause which they had taken in hand so enthusiastically, will now doubtless be only too thankful to make amends for their unseemly haste to forsake the great work which it had been their privilege to assist, by giving greater support financially and by renewing their endeavours with greater singleness of purpose to interest others in the Life-boat Institution and the great national work it conducts. On the other hand, those real and staunch friends who, through I evil report and good report, have stood by the Life-boat Saturday movement will now go forward strengthened and sup- ported, and we wish them all possible success.