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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Saturday, 15th May, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the follow- ing Stations:—St. Anne's (two boats) and Llandudno (Orme's Head).

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Newbiggin, North Sun- derland, Boulmer, Hauxley, Alnmouth, Holy Island (two boats), Dornoch, Huna, Acker- gill, Wick, Thurso, Stromness, Longhope, Nairn, Stornoway, Lossiemouth, Buckie and Banff.

Eastern District — Harwich (two boats), Clacton-on-Sea, Southend, Margate, Whitby (two boats), Upgang,Broad8tairs, Robin Hood's Bay, Staithes and Runswick.

Southern District — Porthleven, Cadgwith, Mullion, Church Cove, Polpear, Porthoustock, Falmouth, Mevagissey, Polkerris, Looe and Western District—Cemaes, Moelfre, Rhofr- neigir, Cemlyn, Rhoscolyn, Holyhead (two boats), Penmon, Llanddwyn, Forth Rhuffydd, Llanddulas, Rhyl (two boats), Llandudno, Point of Ayr (two boats), Weston-super-Mare and Lynmouth.

Irish District—Port St. Mary, Castletown, Port Erin, Ramsey, Peel, Douglas, Arklow, Culdaff, Greencastle, Portrush, Aranmore, Newcastle (Dundrum), Tyrella, Carrickfergus, New Brighton (two boats) and St. Anne's (two boats).Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £. «. d.

A Lady 50 - - Stewards of the Covent Garden Life-boat Fund, in aid of the support of the Covent Garden Life- boat at Caister 40 10 - Moiety of offertories on board the steam-yacht Midnight Sun on her last cruise 16 14 4 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of a legacy of 100Z., be- queathed to the Institution by the late Mr. AUGUSTUS PHILLIPS, of Stoke Bishop.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to VERNON ALLEN, Esq., in recognition of his long and valuable co-operation as Chairman of the Aldeburgh Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

Also to Mr. JOHN LEWIS in acknowledgment of his past kind services as Honorary Secretary of the Filey Branch.

The Committee also specially recognised the long and good services of Mr. LAWRENCE BYRNE, late second coxswain of the Drogheda No. 2 Life-boat.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Fraserburgh and Mevagissey new Life-boats.

Paid 4948J. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 911. 12s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Life-boat.

Cloughey .

Clovelly .

Newbiggin Porthcawl S.S. Eannoclt, of Glasgow.

Landed 15 men.

Smack Emily, of Apple- dore. Landed 2 men.

Coble Try Again. Stood by boat.

Schooner James and Agnes, of Lancaster. ...

The Arbroath Life-boat stood by the fishing- boat Royal Arch, of Arbroath; the Caister No. 2 Life-boat remained by the brigantine Watch, of Hull; the Kingsdowne Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Excel, of Bideford, and her crew of 5 men; and the Broadstairs, Kings- downe and North Deal Life-boats assisted to save the s.s. Langdon, of London.

Voted also 179Z. 13«. in payment of the expenses of launches of the following Life-boats with the intention of aiding the crews of distressed vessels :—Broadstairs, Cemlyn, Gor- leston No. 1, Harwich, Huiia, Kingsdowne, Peterhead, Walmer and Winterton No. 1.

Also 12Z. grant, including medical expenses, to a man injured while on service with the Walmer Life-boat on the 6th February.

Also 71. to seven fishermen for putting off in two boats and saving the crew of four men from the fishing-boat Lily, of Lerwick, which had been caught by a high wave and dashed to pieces on a rock while returning to port in a strong S.E. breeze and a heavy sea on the 4th March.

Also 51. to five men who put off in a boat to the assistance of the galley punt Oipiy Queen, of Deal, which was filled by heavy seas while launching from Deal beach, and was in a sink- ing state in a moderate gale and a heavy sea on the 4th April.

Also 31. to six men for putting off in a fishing-boat and rescuing five men and a dog from the ketch Mountsfield, of Eye, which had stranded and sunk off Witbernsea, Yorkshire, in a strong S.E. wind and a somewhat rough sea, on the 11th April. 11. Is. was also awarded to seven men who assisted to launch the boat used by the salvors.

Also 15s. to three men for assisting a Broad- stairs skiff, which had been partly swamped at Dumpton Gap in a strong N.N.E. breeze and a moderate sea on the 10th April. 11. was also granted to the men, being the amount they would have received for a pilotage engagement, which however was lost through rendering this service.

Also 15s. to three men who put off in a boat and saved four fishermen, whose two boats had been in collision and sunk off Port Stewart, in squally weather, on the 29th April. 10s. was also granted to two other men in payment for rope lost in rendering help to one of the boats.

THURSDAY, 3rd June, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Head the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District—Fraserburgh, Whitelink Bay, Peterhead, Port Erroll, Newburgh, Stone- haven, Gourdon, Johnshaven, Montrose (two boats), Arbroath and Broughty Ferry.

Eastern District—Scarborough, Filey, Flam- borough (two boats), Barmston, Bridlington Quay, Withernsea, Hornsea, Grimsby and Kingsgate.

Southern District—Newhaven and Shoreham.

Western District—Burnham, St. Mary's and St. Agnes (Scilly Islands).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

Collection in garrison churches, Malta, per the Rev. A. MALIM, M.A 2 18 8 Contents of contribution box on board the ship Criceieth Castle . 1119 Contents of contribution box on board H.M.S. Repuhe .... 1 11 7 Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late HENRY Low, Esq., of Southampton 2495 17 1 The late Mrs. OVEREND, of Shef- field 1000 - - The late G. W. COURTNEY, Esq., of Richmond 100 - - The late E. J. ATLING, Esq., of Kennington 20 — - Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Peel and Rhyl new Life-boats.

Decided that the Kingsgate Life-boat Station be abolished.

The Committee specially recognised the long and good services of Mr. ANDREW TAYLOR and Mr. RICHARD WADDEN whilst respectively occupying the office of Coxswain of the Culler- coats and Arklow Life-boats.

Paid 31581. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted ¥11. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Montrose No. 1, Point of Ayr and Wells Life- boats in respectively rendering the following services:—Ketch Acacia, of London, seven men saved; fishing- smacks, Oiling On and Polly, of Pargate, remained by vessels; a brigantine, rendered assistance.

The Broadstairs Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Firefly, of London, with four men on board; and the Holyhead No. 1 Life-boat helped to save the capsized schooner Annie Crosfield, of Barrow, after picking up her crew, who had taken to their boat.

Voted also 721. 8s. ( d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches, with the view of helping distressed crews by the following Life-boats :—Ackcrgill, Ballycotton, Clactou, Kingsgate, Newbiggin, Palling No. 2 and Shoreham.

FRIDAY, 9th July, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bait., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Gorleston Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Workington, Whitehaven, Maryport, Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown, Kirkcudbright, Balcary, Whithorn, Ballantrae and Irvine.

Eastern District — Donna Nook, Button, Mablethorpe, Skegness, Chapel, Hunstantun, Brancaster, Cromer, Sheringham, Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Redear, Saltburn, Runs- wick, Whitby (two boats), Robin Hood's Bay and Winterton (two boats).

Southern District — Brighton, Newhaven, Littlehampton, Southsea, Hayling, Cadgwith, Falmouth, Teignmouth, Exmouth, Worthing and Brighton.

Western District—Hayle, Sennen, Penzance, St. Ives, Bude, Port, Isaac, Aberystwyth, New Quay (Cardiganshire), Swansea, Porthcawl, Lynmouth and Clovelly.

Irish District — Helbre Island, Formby, Southport (two boats), New Brighton (two boats), Hoylake, Peel, Port Erin, Castletown, Douglas, Blackrock, Giles Quay, Greenore, Tyrella, Cloughey, Groomsport, Bally waiter, Barrow, St. Anne's (two boats), Fleetwood, Blackpool and Lytham.

Reported that a contribution of 262. 5s. had been received through Her Majesty the QUEEN from the British residents iuMaranham, Brazil, such amount having been transmitted to Her Majesty as a Diamond Jubilee offering, with a request that it might be presented to the Insti- tution. In forwarding this gift the contributors expressed the hope that the Institution would be as prosperous as has been the reign of their beloved Queen.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the contributors.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

City of London Branch .... 1000 - - " C. A. M." 75 - - Collected on board the Hamburg American Company's s.s. Co- lumbia on her last voyage from and to New York, per Messrs. SMITH, SUNDIUS & Co. ... 30 - - Collected on board the R.M.S. Dun- vegan Castle, per Captain J. C.

ROBINSON 10 - - Collected on board the s.s. Tantallou Castle, per Captain DUNCAN . . 8 - - —To 6e severally thanJced.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late Miss A. M. JABVIS, of Alexandra Road, St. John's Wood 500 - - The late W. F. RAWDON, Esq., of Clifton 500 - - The late THOMAS HALL, Esq., of Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn . 450 - - Ditto, on account of residue of estate 225 - - The late G. A. MAIDEN, Esq., of Brixton 369 3 9 The late Mrs. SUSANNAH HOLTBY, of Nafferton, York 100 - - The late Colonel C. H. PAGE, J.P., of Llandaff, Glamorgan . . . 100 - - The late W. H. DEAN, Esq., of Stratford (additional) . . . . 26 3 10 The late Miss MARY COLES, of Thorn- ton Heath 20 - - The late H. B. TAYLOR, Esq., of Huddersfleld 20 - - The Committee specially recognised the long and good services rendered by Mr. JAMES ARNETT SMITH and Mr. CHARLES PELHAM whilst acting as coxswains of the Selsey and Littlehampton Life-boats, which offices they had just resigned.

Read letter from Mr. F. NIOOLAN, Inspector- General of Mexican Lighthouses, of the 4th June, expressing his thanks for the facilities afforded him by the Institution for visiting some Life-boat Stations on his recent visit to England, and for the information given him The late G. W. COTTBTNEY, Esq., of Richmond 100 - - The late E. J. ATLING, Esq., of Kennington 20 — - Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Peel and Rhyl new Life-boats.

Decided that the Kingsgate Life-boat Station be abolished.

The Committee specially recognised the long and good services of Mr. ANDREW TAYLOR and Mr. RICHARD WADDEN whilst respectively occupying the office of Coxswain of the Culler- coats and Arklow Life-boats.

Paid 31581. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted ¥11. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Montrose No. 1, Point of Ayr and Wells Life- boats in respectively rendering the following services:—Ketch Acacia, of London, seven men saved; fishing- smacks, Oiling On and Polly, of Pargate, remained by vessels; a brigantine, rendered assistance.

The Broadstairs Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Firefly, of London, with four men on board; and the Holyhead No. 1 Life-boat helped to save the capsized schooner Annie Crosfield, of Barrow, after picking up her crew, who had taken to their boat.

Voted also 721. 8s. ( d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches, with the view of helping distressed crews by the following Life-boats :—Ackcrgill, Ballycotton, Clactou, Kingsgate, Newbiggin, Palling No. 2 and Shoreham.

FRIDAY, 9th July, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bait., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Gorleston Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Workington, Whitehaven, Maryport, Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown, Kirkcudbright, Balcary, Whithorn, Ballantrae and Irvine.

Eastern District — Donna Nook, Button, Mablethorpe, Skegness, Chapel, Hunstantun, Brancaster, Cromer, Sheringham, Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Redear, Saltburn, Runs- wick, Whitby (two boats), Robin Hood's Bay and Winterton (two boats).

Southern District — Brighton, Newhaven, Littlehampton, Southsea, Hayling, Cadgwith, Falmouth, Teignmouth, Exmouth, Worthing and Brighton.

Western District—Hayle, Sennen, Peuzance, St. Ives, Bude, Port, Isaac, Aberystwyth, New Quay (Cardiganshire), Swansea, Porthcawl, Lynmouth and Clovelly.

Irish District — Hilbre Island, Formby, Southport (two boats), New Brighton (two boats), Hoylake, Peel, Port Erin, Castletown, Douglas, Blackrock, Giles Quay, Greenore, Tyrella, Cloughey, Groomsport, Bally waiter, Barrow, St. Anne's (two boats), Fleetwood, Blackpool and Lytham.

Reported that a contribution of 262. 5s. had been received through Her Majesty the QUEEN from the British residents iuMaranham, Brazil, such amount having been transmitted to Her Majesty as a Diamond Jubilee offering, with a request that it might be presented to the Insti- tution. In forwarding this gift the contributors expressed the hope that the Institution would be as prosperous as has been the reign of their beloved Queen.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the contributors.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

City of London Branch .... 1000 - - " C. A. M." 75 - - Collected on board the Hamburg American Company's s.s. Co- lumbia on her last voyage from and to New York, per Messrs.

SMITH, SUNDIUS & Co. ... 30 - - Collected on board the R.M.S. Dun- vegan Castle, per Captain J. C.

ROBINSON 10 - - Collected on board the s.s. Tantallou Castle, per Captain DUNCAN . . 8 - - —To 6e severally thanJced.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late Miss A. M. JARVIS, of Alexandra Road, St. John's Wood 500 - - The late W. F. RAWDON, Esq., of Clifton 500 - - The late THOMAS HALL, Esq., of Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn . 450 - - Ditto, on account of residue of estate 225 - - The late G. A. MAIDEN, Esq., of Brixton 369 3 9 The late Mrs. SUSANNAH HOLTBY, of Nafferton, York 100 - - The late Colonel C. H. PAGE, J.P., of Llandaff, Glamorgan . . . 100 - - The late W. H. DEAN, Esq., of Stratford (additional) . . . . 26 3 10 The late Miss MARY COLES, of Thorn- ton Heath 20 - - The late H. B. TAYLOR, Esq., of Huddersfleld 20 - - The Committee specially recognised the long and good services rendered by Mr. JAMES ABNETT SMITH and Mr. CHARLES PELHAM whilst acting as coxswains of the Selsey and Littlehampton Life-boats, which offices they had just resigned.

Read letter from Mr. F. NIOOLAN, Inspector- General of Mexican Lighthouses, of the 4th June, expressing his thanks for the facilities afforded him by the Institution for visiting some Life-boat Stations on his recent visit to England, and for the information given him The late G. W. COTTBTNEY, Esq., of Richmond 100 - - The late E. J. ATLING, Esq., of Kennington 20 — - Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Peel and Rhyl new Life-boats.

Decided that the Kingsgate Life-boat Station be abolished.

The Committee specially recognised the long and good services of Mr. ANDREW TAYLOR and Mr. RICHARD WADDEN whilst respectively occupying the office of Coxswain of the Culler- coats and Arklow Life-boats.

Paid 31581. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted ¥11. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Montrose No. 1, Point of Ayr and Wells Life- boats in respectively rendering the following services:—Ketch Acacia, of London, seven men saved; fishing- smacks, Oiling On and Polly, of Pargate, remained by vessels; a brigantine, rendered assistance.

The Broadstairs Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Firefly, of London, with four men on board; and the Holyhead No. 1 Life-boat helped to save the capsized schooner Annie Crosfield, of Barrow, after picking up her crew, who had taken to their boat.

Voted also 721. 8s. ( d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches, with the view of helping distressed crews by the following Life-boats :—Ackcrgill, Ballycotton, Clactou, Kingsgate, Newbiggin, Palling No. 2 and Shoreham.

FRIDAY, 9th July, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bait., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Gorleston Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Workington, Whitehaven, Maryport, Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown, Kirkcudbright, Balcary, Whithorn, Ballantrae and Irvine.

Eastern District — Donna Nook, Button, Mablethorpe, Skegness, Chapel, Hunstantun, Brancaster, Cromer, Sheringham, Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Kedear, Saltburn, Runs- wick, Whitby (two boats), Robin Hood's Bay and Winterton (two boats).

Southern District — Brighton, Newhaven, Littlehampton, Southsea, Hayling, Cadgwith, Falmouth, Teignmouth, Exmouth, Worthing and Brighton.

Western District—Hayle, Sennen, Penzance, St. Ives, Bude, Port, Isaac, Aberystwyth, New Quay (Cardiganshire), Swansea, Porthcawl, Lynmouth and Clovelly.

Irish District — Helbre Island, Formby, Southport (two boats), New Brighton (two boats), Hoylake, Peel, Port Erin, Castletown, Douglas, Blackrock, Giles Quay, Greenore, Tyrella, Cloughey, Groomsport, Bally waiter, Barrow, St. Anne's (two boats), Fleetwood, Blackpool and Lytham.

Reported that a contribution of 262. 5s. had been received through Her Majesty the QUEEN from the British residents iuMaranham, Brazil, such amount having been transmitted to Her Majesty as a Diamond Jubilee offering, with a request that it might be presented to the Insti- tution. In forwarding this gift the contributors expressed the hope that the Institution would be as prosperous as has been the reign of their beloved Queen.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the contributors.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

City of London Branch .... 1000 - - " C. A. M." 75 - - Collected on board the Hamburg American Company's s.s. Co- lumbia on her last voyage from and to New York, per Messrs.

SMITH, SUNDIUS & Co. ... 30 - - Collected on board the R.M.S. Dun- vegan Castle, per Captain J. C.

ROBINSON 10 - - Collected on board the s.s. Tantallou Castle, per Captain DUNCAN . . 8 - - —To 6e severally thanJced.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late Miss A. M. JABVIS, of Alexandra Road, St. John's Wood 500 - - The late W. F. RAWDON, Esq., of Clifton 500 - - The late THOMAS HALL, Esq., of Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn . 450 - - Ditto, on account of residue of estate 225 - - The late G. A. MAIDEN, Esq., of Brixton 369 3 9 The late Mrs. SUSANNAH HOLTBY, of Nafferton, York 100 - - The late Colonel C. H. PAGE, J.P., of Llandaff, Glamorgan . . . 100 - - The late W. H. DEAN, Esq., of Stratford (additional) . . . . 26 3 10 The late Miss MARY COLES, of Thorn- ton Heath 20 - - The late H. B. TAYLOR, Esq., of Huddersfleld 20 - - The Committee specially recognised the long and good services rendered by Mr. JAMES ABNETT SMITH and Mr. CHARLES PELHAM whilst acting as coxswains of the Selsey and Littlehampton Life-boats, which offices they had just resigned.

Read letter from Mr. F. NIOOLAN, Inspector- General of Mexican Lighthouses, of the 4th June, expressing his thanks for the facilities afforded him by the Institution for visiting some Life-boat Stations on his recent visit to England, and for the information given him The late G. W. COTTBTNEY, Esq., of Richmond 100 - - The late E. J. ATLING, Esq., of Kennington 20 — - Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Peel and Rhyl new Life-boats.

Decided that the Kingsgate Life-boat Station be abolished.

The Committee specially recognised the long and good services of Mr. ANDREW TAYLOR and Mr. RICHARD WADDEN whilst respectively occupying the office of Coxswain of the Culler- coats and Arklow Life-boats.

Paid 31581. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted ¥11. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Montrose No. 1, Point of Ayr and Wells Life- boats in respectively rendering the following services:—Ketch Acacia, of London, seven men saved; fishing- smacks, Oiling On and Polly, of Pargate, remained by vessels; a brigantine, rendered assistance.

The Broadstairs Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Firefly, of London, with four men on board; and the Holyhead No. 1 Life-boat helped to save the capsized schooner Annie Crosfield, of Barrow, after picking up her crew, who had taken to their boat.

Voted also 721. 8s. ( d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches, with the view of helping distressed crews by the following Life-boats :—Ackcrgill, Ballycotton, Clactou, Kingsgate, Newbiggin, Palling No. 2 and Shoreham.

FRIDAY, 9th July, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bait., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Gorleston Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Workington, Whitehaven, Maryport, Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown, Kirkcudbright, Balcary, Whithorn, Ballantrae and Irvine.

Eastern District — Donna Nook, Button, Mablethorpe, Skegness, Chapel, Hunstantun, Brancaster, Cromer, Sheringham, Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Kedear, Saltburn, Runs- wick, Whitby (two boats), Robin Hood's Bay and Winterton (two boats).

Southern District — Brighton, Newhaven, Littlehampton, Southsea, Hayling, Cadgwith, Falmouth, Teignmouth, Exmouth, Worthing and Brighton.

Western District—Hayle, Sennen, Peuzance, St. Ives, Bude, Port, Isaac, Aberystwyth, New Quay (Cardiganshire), Swansea, Porthcawl, Lynmouth and Clovelly.

Irish District — Helbre Island, Formby, Southport (two boats), New Brighton (two boats), Hoylake, Peel, Port Erin, Castletown, Douglas, Blackrock, Giles Quay, Greenore, Tyrella, Cloughey, Groomsport, Bally waiter, Barrow, St. Anne's (two boats), Fleetwood, Blackpool and Lytham.

Reported that a contribution of 262. 5s. had been received through Her Majesty the QUEEN from the British residents iuMaranham, Brazil, such amount having been transmitted to Her Majesty as a Diamond Jubilee offering, with a request that it might be presented to the Insti- tution. In forwarding this gift the contributors expressed the hope that the Institution would be as prosperous as has been the reign of their beloved Queen.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the contributors.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

City of London Branch .... 1000 - - " C. A. M." 75 - - Collected on board the Hamburg American Company's s.s. Co- lumbia on her last voyage from and to New York, per Messrs.

SMITH, SUNDIUS & Co. ... 30 - - Collected on board the R.M.S. Dun- vegan Castle, per Captain J. C.

ROBINSON 10 - - Collected on board the s.s. Tantallou Castle, per Captain DUNCAN . . 8 - - —To 6e severally thanJced.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £. s. d.

The late Miss A. M. JARVIS, of Alexandra Road, St. John's Wood 500 - - The late W. F. RAWDON, Esq., of Clifton 500 - - The late THOMAS HALL, Esq., of Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn . 450 - - Ditto, on account of residue of estate 225 - - The late G. A. MAIDEN, Esq., of Brixton 369 3 9 The late Mrs. SUSANNAH HOLTBY, of Nafferton, York 100 - - The late Colonel C. H. PAGE, J.P., of Llandaff, Glamorgan . . . 100 - - The late W. H. DEAN, Esq., of Stratford (additional) . . . . 26 3 10 The late Miss MARY COLES, of Thorn- ton Heath 20 - - The late H. B. TAYLOR, Esq., of Huddersfleld 20 - - The Committee specially recognised the long and good services rendered by Mr. JAMES ABNETT SMITH and Mr. CHARLES PELHAM whilst acting as coxswains of the Selsey and Littlehampton Life-boats, which offices they had just resigned.

Read letter from Mr. F. NIOOLAN, Inspector- General of Mexican Lighthouses, of the 4th June, expressing his thanks for the facilities afforded him by the Institution for visiting some Life-boat Stations on his recent visit to England, and for the information given him relating to the Life-boat work. He forwarded a contribution of SI. to the Institution.

— To be thanked, Paid 48S5L Soi sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 16SL It. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services : — Vessel.

Brig Moringen, of Dram- men .....

Lord Nelson's old flag- ship Foudroyant . .

Schooner Catherine Henry, of Aberystwith Schooner Luna ...

Barque Svalen, of Tvede- strand .....

Barque Louisa, of Dram- men .....

S.S. Zittali, of Liverpool Schooner Hollyhow, of Galway .....

Smack Harp, of Arklow Ketch William Shepherd, of Beaumaris ...

Three fishing - vessels.

Kendered slight as- sistance.

A fishing-boat. Eendered assistance.

Schooner Maid of Irvine, of Belfast ....

Schooner Furnem ofGHenann .


Aberdovey 28 3 6 Blackpool.

Criceieth .

Cullereoats Fleetwood 10 5 8 4 Groomsport .

„ .

Moelfre . .

Peel . . .

Port Patrick Ramsey . .

The Aldfcbwgh, Caister No. 2, PortMiallaen and Walrae* Life- boats rendered the following services: — S.S. Tefcoa, of Plymouth, stood by vessel ; e.s. Laleham, of Newcastle, assisted to save vessel ,• schooner Miss Bugbes, of Carnar- von, assisted to save vessel and crew, four ; and ship Micronesia, of Liverpool, rendered assist- ance.

Voted also 2661. 16s, 3d. to pay the expenses of assembling the crews or taking out the following Life-boats with a view of assisting the crews of vessels in distress : — Aberystwyth, Batrow, Broadstairs, Caister No. 2. Carriek- fergua, Fethard, Helbre Island, Ilfraeombe, Kilmore, Margate, New Brighton (steam Life- boat), Palling Nos. 1 and 2, Forth Rhuffydd, Port Logan, Southend (Cantyre), Thocpeness, Walmer and Winterton No. 1.

The Committee specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. DAVID LEADBETTBR, coxswain, of the Fleetwood Life-boat, and his crew in rescuing the crews of three vessels oa the 16th Jane. Also the excellent services ren- dered by the crews of the Blackpool, Grooms- port and Southsea Life-boats.

"Voted tbe Silver Medal of tho Institution, accompanied by a copy of the rote inscribed on vellum and framed, with tlio sum of £2 each, to TKOXAg RlCKARD, QEOKOE CMJWIELD, JAMES McLxTjGiu.vs, C. KELLY and ED-SABD ROTJRKE for gallant services rendered nnr)er the follow- ing cirearostonces. On the IZih May the tt&wler Dodger, of Kingsend, sprung a leak •when off the Nose of Howth and signalled to the hooker Storm King, of Howth, -which took her in tow bat she immediately began to sink.

The Storm King promptly launched a boat with THOMAS KICKAKD and GEOBOE CAJJWIELD on board, -who took off the Dodger's crew of two men, but that vessel's boom fouled the boat and carried it partly down, leaving the four men struggling in the water. They regained arid righted the boat, but sho was capsized three times by rough seas. The hoolcer Maymaid, of Howth, then bore down and sent a boat manned by McLAtroLAN, KELLY and ROUBKE, who picked tip the four men from the water, incurring great risk of their own boat being capsized.

11, each was also awarded to the masters of the two vesseis for promptly proceeding to the | rescue, and the sum of 31. 11s. was granted to j defray the cost of repairing damage to the Storm j King's boat and replacing gear, etc., lost on the j occasion.

Also SI. 10s. to seven men, forming the crew of the steam-tug Brock, of Fleetwood, for rescu- 1 ing the crew of three men from the flat William and Alice, which had stranded on a bank oppo- site the Wyre Lighthouse, in a strong W.B.W.

! gale and a heavy sea, on the 16th June.

THURSDAY, 12th August, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBEOK, Bait., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minnies of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wicek and Keward Sub-Committees and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect Reported that the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed »t tile request of the Committee of Management of the Institution last spring to inquire into the administration of the ItoYja, NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTTTU- Tiosr and into the adequacy of its organization for saving life on onr coasts, after holding twenty-four sittings for the purpose of examin- ing witnesses, and five private sittings, pre- sented their report to the House of Commons on the 16th July last. The report fully vindicated and justified the administration and management of the Institution (vide page 869 of this journal, August, 1897, for the report).

Bead the reports of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Aberystwyth, Newcastle (Dandrum), Tyrella and Blaekrock Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations :— Northern District—Ayr, Girvan, Ardrossan, Troon, Cresswell, Blyth (two boats), Newbiggin, Tynemouth (two boats), Hauxley, North Sun- derland, Boulmer, Alnmoath and Cullercoats.

Eastern District—Blakeney, Wells, "Walmer, KiDgsdowBe, North Deal, Dover, Folkestone, Broadstairs, Margate, Ramsgate, Hartlepool (three boats), Seaton Care-w, West Hartlepoo), Roker, Sunderland (South Outlet), Sunderland (South Pier), Seaham and Whithorn. Southern District—Winterton, Eye, Hastings, Lyme Regis and Weymouth.

Western District •— Blorthoe, Ilfracombe, Appledore (two boats), Watchet, Pwllheli, Abersoch, Porthdiullaeu, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Criccieth, Llanaelhaiarn, Porthcawl and Pe- narth.

Irish District — Peel, Ramsey, Castletown, Port St. Mary, Douglas, Port Erin, Cloughey, Newcastle (Dundrum), Giles Quay, Greenore and Blackrock.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

City of London Masonic Life-boat Fund, per J. BHOCKBTT SORRELL, Esq., and A. H. LILLEY, Esq., further on behalf of the " City Masonic Club" Life-boat, stationed at Poole (making a total of 6501.) . . • 533 3 G Worshipful Company of Skinners (additional) 21 - - Also the receipt of the following legacies:— f a iJ 3*. s. ii .

The late Miss ELEANOB DEVEY, of Southborough, for a Life-boat to be named the William and Mary Deveij 1800 - - The late Mrs. M. A. WHITE, of Guilford Street, W.C. (on account of residue of estate) .... 1620 - - The late Mrs. E. P. ABBOTT, of Lupus Street, S.W 900 - - The late Colonel WILLIAM BRIDGES, of Southampton 100 - - The late Miss SUSAN BAKER, of Crewkerne 9 — - Deep regret was expressed at the decease of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches of the Institution, and it was decided that letters of condolence be sent to their families: —Mr. H. B. MACKINTOSH, Anstruther; Mr. JOHN BROAD, Melrose; and Mr. W. H. FOGG, Brighouse.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. WILLIAM GREEN, the Rev. J. E. KENNEDY, and Mr. FRANCIS QUIN, in recognition of their past long and valuable services as Honorary Secre- taries of the Leicester, Port Patrick and Grangemouth Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee suitably recognised the long and good services rendered by Mr. JOHN TAYLOR whilst serving as coxswain of the Blyth Life-boat.

Paid 4885Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 160Z. 16«. to pay the expenses of the Llanaelhaiarn, Cemlyn, Cemaes, Kessingland No. 2, Filey, Winterton No. 2, Newhaven, Fonnby, Harwich No. 1, Caister No. 2 and Padstow Life-boats in assembling their crews, watching or putting off with the view of rendering help to the crews of vessels in distress.

Also 11. 2s. 6d. to three men for rescuing four men from the sailing boat Lily, of Holy- head, which had been capsized in Holyhead Bay in a strong breeze and a moderate sea on I the 4th July.

I Also 1Z. to two men for rescuing two other men from a boat which had been swamped in ! Dungloe Bay, cp. Donegal, on the 19th February.

j Also II. to two men for rescuing three other men whose boat, a pair-oared skiff, had been filled by rough seas and drifted ashore, her occupants supporting themselves by the oars, &c., in Poole Harbour, on the 14th May.

Also 5s. to a man who rescued another man from a boat which had sunk near Shanes Island, co. Donegal, in a strong W. breeze and a smooth sea on the 5th December.

THURSDAY, 9th September, 1897.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

! Also read those of the Building, Finance and ! Correspondence and Wreck and Eeward Sub- Committees, and ordered that their recommen- dations be carried into effect.

Eead the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Campbel- town Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Holy Island, Anstruther, St. Andrews, Crail, Whithorn, Ballantrae, Irvine, Port Patrick and Southend (Cantyre).

Eastern District—Saltburn, Eedcar, Dunge- ness (two boats), New Eomney, Hythe, Winterton (two boats), Caister (two boats) and Yarmouth.

Western District—Cardigan, Fishguard (two boats), St. Davids, Tenby, Angle, Littlehaven, Ferryside, Swansea, Port Eynon and Burry Port.

Irish District—Balbriggan, Drogheda (two boats), Skerries, Kilmore, Carnsore,Kosslare Har- bour, Wexford (two boats), Conrtown, Cahore, | Arklow, Poolbeg and Howth.

I Eeported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £. *. d.

Oldham Branch, for one year's main- tenance of Oldham Life-boat at Abersoch 70 - - C. S. HOLINSWOKTH, Esq., Birming- ham (additional) 26 5 - Proceeds of Gymkhana at Walmer on 26th August, 1897, per Mr.

CHARLES H. PAGE 17 8 9 j Proceeds of a concert at the Ehos- neigir Life-boat House ... 7 - — Proceeds of a concert, &c., at Port Eynon 5 12 6 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late W. ROTHWELL, Esq., of ColwynBay 1350 0 0 The late GOSWELL JOHNSON, Esq., of Branley 402-8 The late Mrs. OGDON, of Wirks- wath, Derby 279 8 4The late Miss P. B. WELLS, of Blackpool ....... 100 - - The late Mrs. McKowEN, of Holy- wood ........ 50 - - Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr.

CLATIDE W. S. GOULD, Mr. WILLIAM BENNETT and Mr. W. H. THOMAS in recognition of their past valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretaries of the Barnstaple and Brannton, Burton-on- Trent and New Quay (Cornwall) Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee suitably recognised the valu- able services of Mr. ROBERT EGBERTS during the very long period of thirty-six years in which he occupied the post of coxswain of the Pen- mon Life-boat, which office he had just re- signed on account of old age.

Reported the transmission to its station of the Southwold No. 2 new Life-boat.

Paid 4693Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 1261. 19s. Sd. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services: — Vessel.


17 Clovelly . . S.S. Grimsby, of Cardiff.

Gorleston No. 3 Dandy Young Joseph, of Great Yarmouth.

Kingsdowno . Schooner Why Nol, of Carnarvon. .Remained by vessel.

. Schooner Sristow, of Hull .

Remained by vessel.



Lowestoft No. 2 Smack Samuel J. Dobson, ofLowestoft. Assisted to save vessel and. . 3 Poclstow . . Lugger Soy George, of Porthleven. Gendered assistance.

Ramsey . • Cutter yacht Liicinda.

Landed 2.

The Great Yarmouth Life-boat assisted to save the cutter Retort, of Lowestoft, and her crew of two men, and the Llandudno Life-boat saved the schooner Dora, of Chester.

Voted 871. Us. 9d. to pay the expenses of assembling the crews or taking out the follow- ing Life-boats with the view of assisting vessels in distress : — Ballywalter, Brixham, Bude, Formby, Holyhead, Palling No. 2 and Winter- ton No. 2.

Also 31. 10s. to seven men for rendering assistance to the tug Albert, of Connah's Quay, which was temporarily disabled by damage to her machinery, near the rocks at Great Orme's Head, in foggy weather, on the 26th August.

Also 10«. to a man who rescued two men from a small boat which was drifting seawards, off Clovelly, in a strong S.W. breeze and a rough sea. The salvor was in charge of a sailing boat with five passengers, and on observing the distressed boat, made for it, and brought the men, who were much exhausted, safely ashore..