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Fairy Queen

WEXFORD.—While the fishing fleet were returning, on the 2nd March, a strong gale having suddenly sprung up from S.S.W. with a rough sea, one of the boats was observed to fly signals of distress, and another, with her sails blown away, anchored in broken water on the N.W. side of the bar. The Life-boat Andrew Pickard put off at noon, and, sailing over the bar, proceeded to the first-mentioned boat, and advised her crew to anchor and wait for a steam-tug which had been summoned by telephone.

The Life-boat then made for the other boat, the yawl Fairy Queen, which was in a dangerous position, and, having veered down to her, succeeded with some difficulty in getting a rope on board, and hauled her into deep water, remaining by her until the arrival of the tug, which towed her into the harbour. She had a crew of four men. T.