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The Parliamentary Inquiry. The Management Vindicated and Justified

IN view of the constant serious and un- founded charges against the administration of the Institution which have for the last few years been made in certain quarters and diligently circulated, mainly through the medium of the Press, such charges tending to impair and injure the great national life-saving work which the Institution has so actively carried on since 1824, resulting in the saving of the lives of upwards of 40,000 ship- wrecked persons, the Committee of Management decided last spring to urge the Government to agree to the early appointment of a Select Committee of the House of Commons to make a searching inquiry into the Institution's administra- tion and the adequacy of its organization for saving life on our coasts. The Government having been communicated with, a motion for the appointment of a Select Committee was brought before the House by Sir ROBERT U. PENROSE FITZ- GERALD, Bart., on behalf of the Institution, on the 8th March, and notwithstanding the motion was on several occasions blocked by members of the Opposition, who it would have been imagined would have been the first to support it, it was finally agreed to, and the Select Com- mittee having been appointed held its first sitting on the 6th April last. The Select Committee subsequently sat to take evidence twenty-four times, and on each occasion for many hours. It examined witnesses from all parts of the country, and went most fully, carefully and ex- haustively, into every detail connected with the management of the Institution and the working of its life - saving service. The Chairman of the Select Committee (Mr. C. J. CABLING, Q.C.), presented his Committee's Report to the House of Commons op the 15th July, and all friends and supporters of the Institution will read it with intense relief and satisfaction. The verdict is clear and unmistakable, entirely vindicat- ing the Institution, which emerges from the serious ordeal of a Parliamentary Inquiry with—as the Times has said— " unsullied reputation." The Report how- ever speaks for itself and we therefore append it.