The Life-Boat Saturday Fund
OUR Life-boat Saturday friends have not been idle since we issued our last notice of the Fund. Fresh committees have been formed and active measures taken in all directions to secure success and development in the near future, although the fixtures hitherto made this season have not, for very good reasons, been as numerous as they were last year. We cannot but approve and commend the tact and wise discretion which have actuated the Life-boat Saturday com- mittees, both in London and elsewhere, in not unduly pressing their appeals and insisting on Life-boat Saturday collec- tions being made during the spring and summer of this eventful year. In view of the special " Jubilee " collections and funds, all with good ends in view, which have been promoted in every county and in almost every district and parish in the United Kingdom, whereby the resources of the entire charitable public have been heavily drawn upon, we think it would have been indiscreet and have done per- manent injury to the Life-boat Saturday movement if any serious efforts had been made to push its claims to the detriment of the various special " commemoration " projects which have been so generally promoted and somewhat lavishly sup- ported.
Notwithstanding all obstacles, however, Life-boat Saturday was well supported in many districts of London on the 15th May last, and very successful demonstra- tions have been held and collections made in various localities, and there is every reason to believe that when the present year has closed and matters have assumed once more their normal state, the Metropolis and the other large centres of population throughout the country will distinguish themselves by contributing generously to the Life- boat cause—a cause which is entitled to the sympathy and help of every man, woman and child inhabiting our "tight little island." A word of encouragement and grati- tude is due to the Life-boat Saturday workers. Nothing succeeds like success, and there is every reason to hope that the unqualified success of their self-deny- ing efforts in the past will be equalled if not surpassed in the -future.