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Sancho Panza

HARWICH. — The schooner Sancho Panza, of Faversham, coal-laden from Sander land for Ramsgate, broke adrift from her anchors in a whole gale from N.E. and a very heavy sea, and stranded on the Fye Sands on the morning of the 23rd January. She hoisted a signal of distress, and at 9.30 the Life-boat Springwell proceeded to her assistance and rescued her crew, consisting of six men.

The Life-boat also picked up a smack's boat, with five men on board, who had attempted to rescue the schooner's crew; the wind and sea however were too much for the little boat, and her occupants were in great danger. The Life-boat returned to her station at 1 P.M., her crew having had a very trying time, the weather being intensely cold with blind-ing snow' squalls. The schooner became a total wreck.