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CLACTON.—Two telegrams having been received, one from the coxswain of the Southend Life-boat and the other from Maplin Lighthouse, reporting a vessel on the sands and showing signals of distress, on the 16th January, the Life-boat Albert Edward was launched at 11 A.M., and found the vessel was the brigantine Patho, of and for London, coal laden from Hull. The crews of two fishing smacks were assisting her, and at the request of the master the Life-boat remained by until high water, when, no further help being required, she returned to her station, arriving at 7.30 on the following morning. The wind was blowing half a gale from N.E., accompanied by a heavy sea, snow and thick weather.

The Albert Edward is one of two Lifeboats presented to the Institution by the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England in commemoration of the safe return from India of the most Worshipful Grand Master, H.E.H. the Prince of Wales..