WINTERTON (NORFOLK).—During thick and bitterly cold weather on the morning of the 23rd January, the wind blowing a strong gale from E.N.E., with a very heavy sea and snow squalls, flares were shown by a vessel which ran aground about a mile N. of the village of Winterton.
The Life-boat Edward Birlcbeck was taken along the beach until opposite the vessel, and at about 7 o'clock she was launched, but was driven back three times by the heavy seas. At last however, with the help of the whip of the rocket apparatus, which had been made fast to the vessel, the boat succeeded in reaching her and, with considerable difliculty, rescued two of her crew. Two others unhappily were washed out of the rigging and lost before the Life-boat could reach them. The wrecked vessel was the ketch Isabella,, of and for Harwich, from Hartlepool, laden with coal. Ten minutes after leaving her both her masts fell..