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Fishing Boats (1)

On the 4th March the morning was comparatively fine, and all the boats started for the fishing-grounds at about 6 o'clock. At about 10, however, a gale from S.E. suddenly rose accompanied by a heavy sea, compelling them to abandontheir lines and ran for the harbour. An hour later the sea increased and blinding showers of snow and sleet came on. A message was received from the lighthouse keeper that it was advisable to have the Life-boat Robert Henderson launched.

An attempt was made to row her down the river, but the flood tide and the force of the wind prevented her from making any headway. With the assistance of men on shore, aided by many women from the village, the boat was tracked some distance when the steam trawler Rosa arrived and towed her to the bar, where she remained afloat until the whole of the fleet, consisting of about fifty boats with about 250 men on board, had got into the harbour, which they fortunately did without any casualty..