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On the 12th May the ketch Acacia, of London, bound from Grimsby for Faro for the fisheries, was seen in the bay, evidently making for the harbour, in a moderate N.N.E. breeze and a rough sea, and a telephone message was received from the lightkeeper at Scurdyness stating that she would in all probability run on the Annat Bank. Soon afterwards it was seen that she had stranded there, and at 11 A.M. the Life-boat Robert Henderson proceeded to her assistance, and found her rolling heavily and the seas continually breaking over her. In crossing the bank the Life-boat shipped two heavy seas, one of which dashed her against the vessel's side, and an oar was broken.

Some difficulty was experienced in taking off the crew, consisting of seven men, but this was at last safely accomplished, and the Life-boat arrived at her station with the rescued men at about 12 noon..