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The S.S. Lady Grey

The same Life-boat was launched five days later in conjunction with her consort, the Robert and Mary Ellis, to the help of the s.s. Lady Grey of West Hartlepool, which had stranded on Whitby Bocks about half a mile from the West Pier head. Her captain had come ashore in the ship's Life-boat in order to communicate with the owners, but with the rising tide a very strong sea came in from the N.E., which prevented the return of the ship's boat and made it too dangerous for cobles to approach the stranded vessel.

Accordingly the aid of the Whitby Lifeboats was solicited, and they took out the master and about 150 shoremen to throw the cargo of coal overboard. After many hours' work the steamer was got off, with the aid of five powerful steam-tugs, and taken to Hartlepool in a very damaged condition..