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The Heroes of the Life-Boat

THERE'S a brave and gallant host Worthy of Britannia's boast, Lions of our sea-girt coast When there's danger on the sea.

Midst the tempest's blaze and blare, Thunder roll and lightning glare, They have proved their right to wear The flower of British bravery.

Far away across the foam, Like a sea-bird in its flight, Comes a vessel bound for home, Not one oloud of fear in sight.

Biding on the waters blue, Straight and steady, trim and taut, Glad the hearts of all the crew, They will anchor soon in port.

Many a loving heart is found Waiting on the old home shore, For that vessel homeward bound Which shall anchor sever more.

For the thunder's challenge comes From the dark and angry sky; With a sound like muffled drums Winds and waters make reply.

Now the fight 'twixt sky and sea Boars the hapless ship arouud, Driving her with fiendish glee Where the cruel rocks abound.

With her bearings lost she flies On before a furious blast; Stranded on the rocks she lies Now a wreck and sinking* fast.

Home they ne'er will see again, And their fate will be unknown • Mothers, wives, will wait in vain For the coming of their own.

They are sinking out of sight; Is there none at hand to save ? Yet who would, on such a night, Dare the dangers of the wave ? There's a brave and noble host, Worthy of our proudest boast, Lions of our sea-girt coast, When there's danger on the wave.

Heroes of the Life-boat crew.

They're the men to dare and do; On they come, the gallant few— On to save "or fiud a grave." * From The Penny Illustrated Paper.

'Twas in truth a noble sight When they put to »ea that night: Not a heart amongst them quailed, Ne'er a hand in danger failed.

Hissing froth above them flew.

Howling winds around them blew: High upon a wave impaled, Then next moment dashed from view— But the Charlotte's gallant crew Naught of terror ever knew.

Wares may dash and winds may blow, Danger cannot bid them stay; Death itself may bar the way, Still to rescue on they go.

'Twas in truth a noble sight When they reached the wreck that night— When the crew of twenty-eight, Rescued from an awful fate, Safety in the Life-boat sought.

Once again her sturdy crew, Raging winds and waters through, Battle safely into port.

Welcomed by the roar of cheers, And the flow of joyous tears, Heroes every one of them, What a deed was done by them! Many a mother's tear they're sared By the dangers they have braved.

By the grateful tear that starts (When their glories we review), They shall ever live in hearts Heroes of the Life-boat crew.

Dibdin's voice for ever rings In the sailor's cheery hail, In the gong the ocean sings, In the music of the gale.

And to-day the good old name With sea-glories takes its stand, Worthy of its ocean fame, Guides the gallant Life-boat band.

'Tis an Institution grand ; May it work its noble will Till the storm no more shall rise, And the winds and waves are still.

Shall the story e'er be told.

That its valiant work is done; Fallen through for lack of gold ? Never, while the waters run! Glory, truth would pass away From the shores that rule the blue, If our hearts forgot to pay Honour to the Life-boat crew.

KATE BISHOP (" Kay Bee.").