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PALLING.—Soon after midnight on the 28th May, while a strong N.N.E. wind was blowing and a heavy sea running,a vessel was reported to have stranded on the beach at Waxham, two and a half miles southward of the Falling Life-boat station. The No. 1 Life-boat Good Hope was promptly got ready, horses were procured, and the boat was taken along the beach towards the scene of the wreck, the coxswain sending two men forward to find out the most available place for launching. Meanwhile a boat, containing the master's wife and two of the crew, put off from the vessel, but was unable to reach the shore, as a rope by which the boat was attached to the vessel was not of sufficient length. The boat was seen by the two men who* were going along the beach, and having ascertained that those on board were unable to cut the rope, they, with a third man, waded out at some risk, severed the rope, and the boat then drifted ashore safely. But for the prompt aid thus afforded there is little doubt that the boat would have been capsized in the breakers. On the arrival of the Lifeboat she was successfully launched and duly rescued the two seamen left on board the vessel, which proved to be the ketch Rival of and for Eye from Goole, laden with coal..