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Prairie Flower

WEXFORD.—While a moderate gale from W.S.W. to N.W. was blowing, accompanied by a rough sea, on the morning of the 16th April, signals of distress were seen flying on a fishing-smack. TheLife-boat .Andrew Pickard was launched at 9.45, sailed over the bar, and on reaching the fishing-boat—the Prairie Flower—found that all her sails had been blown away, and she had on board only one man, who stated that his father had fallen overboard and had been drowned before the signals of distress were hoisted.

The man was almost distracted, and, being entirely unable to help himself in any way, his boat was simply drifting out ta sea. Two of the Life-boat crew got on board the vessel and, having made ropes fast to her, towed her into Wexford Harbour, which was reached at 2.30 P.M..