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The same Life-boat was also called out in very bad weather on the 8th October, a dismasted vessel having been observed about three miles east of the harbour. The boat reached her in about an hour's time and found she was the barque Giovanni,of Lillesand, bound in ballast from Fleetwood to Savannah. The crew of thirteen men having been taken into the Life-boat she had to anchor close by for some three or four hours owing to the fury of the gale and the strong ebb spring tide.

When the force of the tide had somewhat abated the boat cast off and made for the harbour, and after two hours' further battling against the storm she landed the rescued men at the Queen's Pier. They were very much exhausted by their long exposure, and the Life-boat-men had hard time of it; the latter were cheered again and again by the great crowds which had assembled to welcome their return..