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Lizzie and the Laddie

ST. IVES.—Signals of distress having been shown by a vessel lying at anchor in the bay, while a strong gale was blowing from N.N.E. with a heavy sea, the Lifeboat Exeter was launched at I.d5 A.M.

on the 27th March. The vessel which signalled was the schooner Lizzie, of Chester, coal laden, from Swansea bound for Cherbourg. She had two anchors down, but was riding so heavily that itwas feared her cables would part, and her crew of five men were anxious to be taken ashore. They were taken into the Life-boat, which then made for her station, and in passing another schooner, the Laddie, of St. John's, N.F., laden with codfish, from St. John's for Exeter, which was in a more dangerous position, her crew also .requested to be landed.

They were anxious to give the vessel more cable before leaving her, and, as this wonld take some little time, it was arranged that the Boat should land those she had on board and then return. This was done, and the Laddie's crew of seven men were also brought safely ashore, being landed in the harbour at 3.30 A.M.

In the afternoon the weather moderated considerably, and, the vessels having safely ridden out the gale, their crews were put on board and in the evening resumed their respective voyages..