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With the Life-Boat Crew

A SHRIEKING sky and a wind-torn sea— Steadily lads I And sheltered under the Life-boat's lee— Steadily lads! Storm-marked faces and shaggy hair, Jackets of rusty blue, Men who will do and will not despair— Men of the Life-boat crew.

The flash of a flare ; the rocket's flight— Steadily lads! A cry of distress across the night— Steadily lads! Over the sands with rush and shout, Facing the biting spray ; Hurrah! she's afloat and out-and-out, Staunchly my men give way.

Tottering spars and splintering deck— Steadily lads! A mad sea covered with floating wreck— Steadily lads 1 Fighting with death up under her lee!— " Ready there in the bow, Cast as she lifts to the next long sea— Cast! Ah, we have her now !' Jump my lads while your vessel holds— Steadily lads! Into the boat ere the next sea folds— * Steadily lads! Have we you all ? Watch the spar ! Quick! out the grapnel clear.

We sweep ashore, there's a grinding jar ; Hark to our messmates cheer.

Up with the boat on her wheels again— Steadily lads! Back to our watch of the darkened main— Steadily lads! Ever ready to dare and to do.

Sons of the Vikings we! We are the men of the Life-boat crew, The children of the sea ! W. WATT, Montrose.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on the 1st November..