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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 9th January, 1896.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., Y.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Kingstown Station.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to the New Quay (Cornwall), Port Isaac and Padstow Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—New Brighton (two boats) and Wick.

Eastern District—Filey. Mablethorpe, Donna Nook, Button, Chapel, Skegness, Grimsby, Hornsea, Withernsea, Brancaster, Hunstanton, Sheringham, Cromer, Palling (two boats), and Hasborough.

Southern District—Torquay, Teigmnouth, Exmouth, Sidmouth, Brighton, Worthing, Littlehampton and Southsea.

Western District—St. Ives, Penzance, Sennen, Ilfracombe, Appledore (three boats), and Morthoe.

Irish District—Blackpool, Fleetwood, Lytham, Southport (two boats), Port Erin, Peel, Castle- town, Ramsey, Douglas (two boats), Grooms- port, and Greenore.

Also the reports of the Organising Secretaries on their visits to London, Belper, Nottingham, Mansfield, Loughborough, Dublin, Colwyn Bay, Rhyl, Ormskirk, Manchester, Lancaster, Liver- pool, Midleton, Colne, St. Heliers, Macclesfield, Bamsley, Cambridge, Walsall, Wednesbury, Bilston, Wolverhampton, Hanley, Stoke, Car- luke, and Glasgow.

Reported the receipt of £850 It. 6d. from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., Honorary Secretary, to recoup the Institution the total amount expended under all heads during the past year in the mainten- ance of the seven Stations at which the seven Life-boats, presented and endowed by the Fund, are placed. The total sum already contributed to the Institution by this Fund supported by gentlemen in Her Majesty's Civil Service has amounted to £18,555 18«. Id.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the Honorary Secretary and to the contributors to the Fund for their continued valuable support.

Reported also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Share of Mrs. MARY VARLEY'S Rescue Boat Fund, a bather's boat at Bundoran being with- drawn 200 - - Anonymous 195 - - "T. G. Y." 100 - - City of London Branch (Corn Market Collection) .... 64 5 6 Licensed Victuallers Lifeboat Fund, per A. L. ANNETT, Esq.

(additional) 50 - - Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity) (additional) . . 20 - - Stewards of Covent Garden Life- boat Fund (additional) ... 19 6 8 Contents of contribution box, per . R. W. WAY, Esq., Billingsgate (additional) 14 14 10 Ijife-boat Saturday Collections.

North of England District, per A. MOIR, Esq. 6,800 - - Edinburgh, per W. MARTIN, Esq. 840 - - Leeds, per C. H. WILSON, Esq. . 750 - - Glasgow, per W. MARTIN, Esq. . 700 - - Blackpool, per T. W. SMITH, Esq. 500 - - 1 4 ! Bolton, per T. H. WINDER, Esq. 423 Hull, per W. R. LOCKING, Esq. . 300 Preston, per JAMES CARTER, Esq. 230 - 7 I 4 ; _ I Keighley, per W. PARK, Esq. . 213 10 Eastbourne, per H. M. EMARY, Esq 11110 Dumbarton, per W. MARTIN, Esq. 80 - Girvan, per J. SMITH, Esq. . . 55 - Beverley, per J. W. YATES, Esq. 31 10 Burnley, per A. L. GARNETT, Esq. ' 15 - Life-boat Sunday Collections. Sunninghill, Berks, per the Rev. J. SNOWDON, M.A 716 To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ s. d.' The late JOBS ANTHONY, Esq., M.D., of Edgbaston, for a Life-boat to : be named the John Anthony . 1,200 - - ' The late J. G. ATHERSTONE, Esq., of Montrose, for a Life-boat to be ; named the Marianne Atherstone . 749 12 5 The late Mrs. CAROLINE E. COPLAND, of Gravesend, for a Life-boat to be named the Edward and Eliza . 746 15 11 The late Mrs. A. E. F. FRASER, of ; Manchester 500 - - • £ s. d.

The late Mrs. VOLBRACHT, of Essex Road, N 109 1 9 The late Mrs. JANE BELLAMY, of Southampton 21" 12 - Voted the thanks of the Committee to R. CATHCART DOBBS, Esq., in recognition of his long and valuable co-operation whilst serving as Honorary Secretary of the Greystones Branch of the Institution.

Reported that new Life-boats had just been sent to the Fenit and Point of Ayr stations.

Paid 11,668?. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments. Reported that HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN had expressed through the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland deep sympathy with the widows and other dependents of the crew of the Kingstown No. 2 Life-boat, who unhappily lost their lives through the capsizing of the Life-boat while endeavouring to rescue those on board the barque Palme, of Finland, on the 24th De- cember last. Full particulars of this distressing occurrence were given in the February issue of this Journal. HER MAJESTY contributed 50I. to the fund raised locally for the relief of the widows and others who were dependent on the Life-boatmen for support.

The Institution granted 2,200Z. in aid of the relief fund; the funeral expenses were also defrayed by the Institution, and the widows or other legal representative received from it the service payment of II. 10s. awarded to each of the men.

The gold medal of the Institution, accom- panied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and framed, was awarded to Captain THOMAS McCOMBiE; a binocular glass, suitably inscribed, to his son (aged fifteen years) ; and 21. each to eight of the crew of s.s. Tearaght for gallantly putting off in the steamer's boat and in two trips saving, at very great risk, the master, his wife and child, and the crew of fifteen men from the ill-fated vessel.

Thanks were accorded to the captain of H.M.S. Melampus for kindly permitting six of the crew of the vessel to volunteer for service in the Kingstown No. 1 Life-boat, which also attempted to assist the stranded vessel, and the men were thanked and remunerated for the services they rendered.

Mr. BASIL HALL, District Inspector of Life- boats, was thanked for his services in trying to effect the rescue of the crew of the Palme. He went out in a steam-tug, which had the Poolbeg Life-boat in tow, but was unable to reach the ship; the heavy seas half filling the stoke-hole of the tug, and compelling her to put back.

Rewards were granted to the crews of the steam-tugs Flying Sprite and Flying Swallow, and thanks were tendered to the Clyde Shipping Company, the owners of the two tugs, and to Mr. WATT, the Company's agent in Dublin, for allowing the gratuitous use of the vessels.

Extra pay was granted to the crews of the Kingstown No. 1 and Poolbeg Life-boats, and the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, were voted to Mr. MICHAEL DALTON, coxswain of the Poolbeg Life-boat, who was indefatigable in his attempts to render assistance to the shipwrecked people. Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to Captain JOHN VEALE, in acknowledgment of his valuable services in acting as coxswain of the Dungarvan Life-boat on the 24th December last, and assisting to save seven of the crew of the ship Moresby, of Liverpool, which was wrecked off Dungarvan in a strong S.B. gale and a very heavy sea.

Also 51 11. 6s. 5d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services : — Life-boat.

Angle . . .

Ballantrae .

Donna Nook .

Dungarran .

Giles Quay .

Gourdon . .

Johnshaven .

Kilmore . .

Kingsgate .

Montrose No. 1 Peel . . .

Peterhead. .

Polkerris . .

Port Patrick .

Staithes . .

Totland Bay .

Wexford No. 1 Whitelink Bay Gt. Yarmouth Vessel.

Schooner Clara, of Belfast Steamer Advance, of Glas- Paragon, of Dublin . 11 Steam-trawler Kymric, of Grimsby. Landed 9.

Ship Moresby, of Liver- pool ...... 7 Schooner Violet, of Castle- town ...... 4 Several fishing-boats. Re- mained by vessels.

Several fishing-boats. Re- mained by vessels.

Brigantine Citizen. Land- ed 4.

Ketch Lord Tennyson, of London. Stood by vessel.

Several fishing - boats.

Stood by vessels.

Schooner Lily Garton, of Peel. Remained by vessel.

Fishing-boats. Remained in attendance.

Schooner Emily, of Pad- stow ...... 4 Brig Robert, of Nantes.

Rendered assistance.

S.S. Beaver, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Barque Ganymedes, of Risor ..... 8 Yawl Love Lane, of Wex- ford. Rendered assist.

Steam trawler Balmoral Castle, of Aberdeen . 9 Brigantine Sir Robert Hodgson, of Fowey . 6 The Abersoch, Angle (Milford Haven), Kessingland No. 1, and Margate Life-boats, also respectively rendered the following ser- vices: — Schooner Renown, of Wigtown, saved vessel and 5 ; schooner Clara, of Belfast, and Echo, of Wexford, assisted to save vessels ; dandy Sir Alfred Gooch, of Lowestoft, saved vessel and 5 ; and barque Atalanta, of Hamburg, assisted to save vessel and 18 lives.

The Arbroath Life-boat remained by two fishing-boats which were in danger in a heavy sea and thick weather.

Also 1225Z. Is. 6d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews, watching at night, or launches to distressed vessels by the Life-boats at Appledore, Arklow, Blackrock, Brighstone Grange, Brooke, Cahore, Caister, Clacton, Drogheda, Dungarvan, Dungeness, Falmouth, Filey, Formby, Fraserburgh, Girvan, Harwich (Steam Life-boat), Holyhead, Hoylake, Hythe, Kingstown, Moelfre, New Brighton (Steam Life-boat), New Romney, Padstow, Palling, Peel, Poolbeg, Porthdinllaen, Porth Rhuffydd, Queenstown, Shoreham, Swansea, Tynemouth, Tyrella, Walmer, Whitburn, Whithorn, and Winterton.

Also '21. to a man who was injured while about to summon the crew of the Hasborough Life-boat for service on the 24th November.

Also 42. to four fishermen for putting off in a boat and saving four men whose boat had been capsized while returning to their vessel, the Baron Hill, of Liverpool, which was lying off Exmouth, in a strong W. gale on the 4th December.

Also thanks to the master of the steam trawler Flying Sylph, and II. each to two of his crew for saving two of the crew of the fishing coble Mary and Alice, of Scarborough, which was swamped in a sudden heavy gale when about two miles distant from Scarborough on the 15th November. The master of the steamer skilfully manoeuvred the vessel and a boat manned by the second hand and the cook put off and rescued the men.

Also 12. 10s. to three men for putting off in a boat and saving four men whose boat had been capsized by a squall off the island of Graemsay, Orkney, on the 3rd September.

THURSDAY, 13th February, 1896.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

The Committee expressed deep regret at the lamented death of His Royal Highness Prince HENRY MAURICE of BATTENBERG, K.G., Patron of the Isle of Wight Branch of the Institution, and it was resolved to respectfully convey the sympathy of the Committee to HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, the Patron of the In- stitution, and to Her Royal Highness the Princess BEATRICE.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Also read the Minutes of the " Life-boat Saturday " Central Committee and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life- boats on his recent visits to the Kingstown and Greenore Stations.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his visit to the Walton- on-Naze Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Hoylake, Helbre Island, Maryport, Point of Ayr, New Brighton (two boats), and Formby.

Eastern District—Bridlington Quay, Blake- ney, Wells, Margate, Kingsgate, Hythe, Walmer, Kingsdowne, and North Deal.

Southern District—Lyme Regis, Weymouth,Swanage, Kimeridge, Poole, Hayling, and Shoreham.

Western District—Fishguard (two boats), Cardigan, New Quay (Cardiganshire), Tenby, Weston-super-Mare, and Penarth.

Irish District—Giles Quay, Blackrock, Kingstown, Dungarvan, Queenstown (two boats), and Wicklow.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £ s. d.

Trustees of the late W. THORNGATE, Esq. (annual subscription) . 80 - — Proceeds of concert on board the R. M. 8. Danube, per Capt. G. M. HICKS 20 - - Collected on board the s.s. St. Sunniva, on her cruise to the Mediterranean, per W. HOLDS- WORTH LUNN, Esq 5 14 5 Life-boat Sunday Collections.

Westcott, Dorking—Holy Trinity Church, per the Rev. A. D. WOOLLEY, B.A 5 12 3 Adderley Church, Market Drayton, per the Rev. ATHELSTAR CORBET, M.A 45- Orford Church, Wickham Market, per the Rev. E. M. SCOTT. . . 1 12 10 Sudbourne, per Rev. E. M. SCOTT . 218 To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies : — £ s. d.

The late GEORGE CHARLES BENN, Esq., of Rugby .... 1,000 - - The late J. "W. DUDLEY, Esq., of Woodford, for a Life-boat to be named the John William Dudley 700 - - The late Mrs. E. FLETCHER, of Sutton 50 - - Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. NICHOLAS HALLIGAN, Mr. J. N. JUSTICE, Mr. G. H. FOWLER, Mr. R. J. RICHARDSON, and the Rev. P. H. E. WILDER, B.A., in recognition of their long and valuable co-operation whilst acting as Honorary Secretaries of the Drogheda, Harwich, Skerries, Portrush, and Blyth Branches of the Institution,.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered for many years by Mr.

WILLIAM BROWN as coxswain of the Arbroath Life-boat.

Decided, that the Kimeridge (Dorset) Life- boat Station be discontinued.

Also that a Life-boat Station be formed at Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Ayr and Formby new Life-boats.

Paid 4,40UZ. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Read letter from the Trinity House forward- ing a cheque for 40Z. 12s., in repayment of the expenses incurred by the Point of Ayr Life- boat in proceeding to the assistance of the Dee Light-vessel, which parted from her moorings on the 7th December.—To be specially thanked.

Voted 100Z. to the widow of one of the crew of the Dungarvan Life-boat, who died from the effects of exposure while on service with the Life-boat on the 23rd December last.

Also 181. co three men who were injured while on service with the Mablethorpe, Drog- heda No. 2, and Whitby No. 2 Life-boats.

Also 15H. 8s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Vessel.


Cullercoats .

Flamborough No. 1 . / Flamborough No. 1.

Hayling Island Pakefield . .


Whitby No. 2 Lives saved.

Twenty fishing - cobles.

Rendered assistance.

Six fishing-cobles. Ren- dered assistance.

Steamer Dundee, of Glas- gow 4 Brigantine Marie Louise.

Stood by vessel.

Brigantine Kelpie, of South Shields ... 7 Steamer Liffey, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Fishing-coble Secret, of Whitby 4 Also 316Z. 7s. 9o!. in payment of the expenses of assemblies of the crews or launches 10 dis- tressed vessels by the following Life-boats :— Broadstairs, Cadgwith, Cemaes, Donna Nook, Flamborough No. 2, Fraserburgh, Gorleston No. 1, Holyhead, North Deal, Palling No. 2, Peterhead, Polpear, Walmer, and Withernsea.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was also called out, but her services were not eventually needed.

Voted the silver medal of the Institution and 21. to Mr. JAMES JAMIESON, and 21. each to three other men, for saving, at great lisk, two of the crew of the fishing-boat Jessie, of Ler- wick, which, while returning from fishing in a strong S. gale, was overwhelmed by a heavy sea and sunk about half a mile from Oxna Island on the 14th December last. A third occupant of the boat unhappily perished before help could reach him.

Also a binocular glass to Capt. W. R. GOFF, and 11. each to the crew of ten men, of the steam-tug Knight of the Cross, of Liverpool, for rescuing the crew of the barque Lady Penrhyn, of Liverpool, which parted her hawser while in tow off Stornaway, in a whole gale from S.S.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 12th December last. The crew of twelve men left in the ship's boat, and the master of the tug seeing that, with the terrific sea then running, they had very little chance of safely reaching the land, placed his vessel in a position to shelter the boat and, at considerable risk, took them on board the steamer.

Also 31. 15s. to ten men for saving the crew of seven men of the fishing-boat Morning Light, which was capsized in Broad Bay, Island of Lewis, in a moderate gale from S.W. by S.

and a rough sea on the 23rd January.

Also 11. 10s. to two men for saving four of the crew of the Citizen, of Youghal, which was wrecked on Saltee Island, off Wexford, on the 23rd December last.

Also 11. 10s. to six men for putting off in a boat and rendering assistance to a fishing-boat which was in distress, in a moderate W.N.W. gale and a rough sea, on the 7th December last.

THURSDAY, 12th March, 1896.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Also read the Minutes of the " Life-boat Saturday " Central Committee, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the Report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Fishguard, St. David's, Tramore, and Rosslare- harbour.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Fraserburgh, Whiitelink Bay, Peterhead, and Holy Island (two boats).

Eastern District — Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Dover, New Romney, Dungeness (two boats), Folkestone, Sunderland (South Pier), Boker, Sunderland (South Outlet), Whitburn, Seaham, and West Hartlepool.

Southern District — Brighton, St. Heliers, and St. Peter's Port.

Western District — Aberdovey, Barmouth, Llanaelhaiarn, Criccieth, Abersoch, Pwelheli, Porthdinllaen, Aberystwyth, St. David's, Little- haven, Angle, Burry Port, Ferrjside, Port Eynon, and Swansea.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Miss BURROWS, Sheffield, "In memory of JOHN BURROWS, for many years resident at Redcar 1,000 - - " T. E." W." on account of the cost of a Life-boat 350 - - B. A. B. PRESTON, Esq., annual subscription in aid of Cornish Life-boats 50 - - Collected from Stewards, &c., of the P. and 0. Steamship Valetta . . 576 To lie severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late JOHN SMITH, Esq., of Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park 500 - - The late Mrs. AGNES SYER, of Forn- ham All Saints, Suffolk . . . 100 - - Read acknowledgments from Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, and Colonel JOHN CLERK, C.S.I., of the votes of condolence passed by the Com- mittee at their last meeting with Her MAJESTY THE QUEEN and Her Royal Highness PRINCBES BEATRICE, on the occasion of the lamented death of His Royal Highness Prince HENRY MAURICE of BATTENBERG, K.G., Patron of the Isle of Wight Branch of the Institution.

Reported that Capt. H.E.H. the Duke of YORK, E.N., K.G., had consented to preside at the annual meeting of the Institution to be held at St. Martin's Town Hall, on Saturday, the 21st March, at 3 o'clock.

Also that a meeting, presided over by the Most Hon. the Marquis of LONDONDERRY, K.G., was held at the Royal United Service Institu- tion, on the 21st February, to inaugurate the Institution's "Life-boat Saturday Fund" in London.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to EDWARD JACOB, Esq., and the Rev. T. A. JONES, in acknowledgment of their long and valuable services, extending over many years, as Honorary Secretaries of the Tramore and Llanaelhaiarn Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services of the following gentlemen as Honorary Secretaries of various branches of the Institution for many years past:—PHILIP BAUDAINS, Esq., Jersey; W. J. BURDEN, Esq., Teignmouth; T. H. CORNISH, Esq., Penzance and Sennen Cove; J. W. MOIR, Esq., Alloa; and Mr. JAMES TYRRELL, Arklow.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS WICKHAM, in recognition of his long and gallant services as coxswain of the Wexford No. 1 Life-boat.

Reported the transmission to its station of the Penmon new Life-boat.

Also that the alterations and repairs of the Filey and Southport No. 2 Life-boats had been completed, and the boats returned to their stations.

Paid 4,75(M. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 283i!. 9s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives saved.



Berwick - on - Tweed . .

Cullercoats Holy Island No. 1 . .

Rendered assistance to fishing-boats.

Newbiggin North Sunder- land . ' .

Robin Hood's Bay. . .

Runswick Scarborough .

Whitby No. 2 / Ballywalter .

Filey . . .

Greenore .

Montrose No. 1 Poole . . .

Smack Governor Beady, of Douglas. Saved vessel and ....

Fishing - coble Lionel.

Stood by vessel.

Steamer Rosgtrevor.

Landed 17 persons.

Schooner Regina, of Jersey Brigantine Albert T.

Young, of Faversham.

Landed 6 men and re- mained by vessel.

Sennen Cove .

Barque Scottish Knight, of London. Rendered assistance.

Wexford No. 1 Yawl Annie, of Wexford.

Rendered assistance.

Wick Fishing-lugger Isabella, of Wick The Caister No. 1 Life-boat assisted the barque Glenbervie, of Glasgow.

Voted also 293Z. 18». 3d. to pay the expenses of the assemblies of crews or launches to distressed vessels by the following Life-boats:— Aberystwyth, Dornoch Firth, Gorleston No. 1, Helbre Island, Montrose No. 2, New Brighton (Steam Life-boat), North Sunderland, Palling No. 2, Penmon, Robin Hood's Bay, Tenby, Whitelink Bay, Winterton No. 2, and Great Yarmouth.

Also 31. to four men for saving four men from a fishing-boat which had been capsized about a mile from the shore at Youghal on the 4th February.

Also 21. 10«. to three men for putting off in a boat and rescued one of two men whose boat had been upset off Grihbon Head, Cornwall, in a sudden squall on the 9th February. 11. was awarded to a fisherman who witnessed the casualty and injured a blood-vessel in hurrying to Polkerris to report the occurrence.

The thanks of the Institution were accorded to the Rev. D. BETSON, Honorary Secretary of Holy Island Branch of the Institution, and a binocular glass was awarded to Mrs. BRYSON, for their valuable help on the occasion of the launch of the Holy Island No. 1 Life-boat on the 13th February, a full account of which appears in this number of the Journal.

Thanks were also tendered to the Rev. Dr. GREER, Honorary Secretary of the Ballywalter Branch, for proceeding in the Life - boat stationed at that port to the assistance of a distressed vessel on the 5th inst.

SATURDAY, 21st March, 1896.

The Annual General Meeting of the Gover- nors and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION took place this day at St. Martin's Town Hall, Capt. H.E.H. the DUKE OF YORK, E.N., K.G., in the Chair.

The Chairman having made some suitable ob- servations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, the Annual Report (which will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal) was presented to the meeting.

The meeting was also addressed by His Grace the DUKE OF NORFOLK, K.G., Post- master-General; The Rt. Hon. the EARL OF DUDLEY, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade; Mr. W. E. MACARTNEY, M.P., Secretary to the Admiralty; Admiral Sir GEORGE WILLES, G.C.B.; The Rt. Hon. the EARL OF DROGHEDA, K.P.; The Rt. Hon. LORD VISCOUNT DUNCANNON, C.B.; Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., Chairman of the In- stitution, and Col. FiTzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., Deputy-Chairman of the Institution.

The officers for the current year were chosen, and various resolutions were moved, seconded and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution.

The officers' names and the resolutions will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 16th April, 1896.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Liverpool and Hoylake.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspec- tor of Life-boats on his visits to the Wexford, Camsore, and Barry Port stations.

j Also the reports of the District Inspectors : of Life-boats on their visits to the following I places:— Northern District — Boulmer, Bamburgh, Alnmouth, North Sunderland, Hauxley, Cress- well, Blyth (two boats), Newbiggin, Tyne- mouth(two boats), Cullercoats, North Berwick, and Brough Ness.

Eastern District—Hartlepool (three boats), j Seaton Carew, Saltburn, Redcar, Gorleston (three boats), Caister (two boats), Winterton (two boats), Yarmouth, Lowestoft (two boats), Kessingland (three boats), and Pakefield.

Southern District—-Hastings, Winchelsea, Eye, Bembridge, Brighstone, Brooke, Totland Bay, Atherfield, Ryde, Porthleven, Mullin, Cadgwith, Polpear, and Church Cove.

Western District—Porthcawl, Tenby, Llan- dudno, Rhyl (two boats), Llanddulas, Llandd- wyn, Moelfre, and Rhosneigir.

Irish District—Camsore, Dunmore East, Fethard, Castletown, Port Erin, Ballycotton, Youghal, Tramore, and Dungarvan.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., was unanimously elected Chairman, and COLONEL FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution for the ensuing year.

Elected the members of the Sub-Committees (Colonel FiTzRoY CLAYTON, Chairman) for the ensuing year.

Also the delegates to the Central Committee of the "Life-boat Saturday Fund" for the ensuing year.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ t. d.

Her Majesty THE QUEEN (annual subscription) 50 - - "T. E. W.," balance of cost of a Life-boat (making a total of 7001) 350 - - Executors of the late Miss MARY HAMILTON, per Messrs. Grover & Smeathman of Hemel Hempstead) 20 - - Contents of contribution boxes at Annual Meeting of Institution . 8 19 10 To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the legacy of 1,0002. bequeathed to the Institution by the late Miss MARY ANN CHAPMAN, of Brampton, to provide a Life-boat to be named the Chapman.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to THOMAS FULLER, Esq., M.D., and the Rev. A. S. LINDEMAN, B.A., in recognition of their valuable co-operation whilst acting as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Shoreham and Selsey Branches of the Institution.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. DAVID SULLIVAN, during the period he occupied the office of cox- swain of the Bally cotton Life-boat.

It was reported that H.R.H. the Duchess of York had graciously accepted the post of President of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Institution's " Life-boat Saturday Fund." Also that Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, had visited Harwich with Captain PFEIFER, Chief Inspector of the German Life-Saving Society, and taken a special trip in the Steam Life-boat City of Glasgow to the Cork Lightship. Capt. Pfeifer was much pleased with the capabilities of the Life-boat. He was about to visit several other Life-boat stations to inspect the Life-boats, with the view of comparing them with the boats of the German Society.

Also that the St. David's Life-boat had just been returned to its station after being altered and fitted with all modern improvements.

Paid 6,500J. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 164Z. 6». 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services: — Vessel.

of Schooner Reform, Stavanger ....

Fishing - smack Harriet, of Marshside. Saved vessel and . . .

Tug Albert, of Chester.

Rendered assist, to crew.

Brigantine Waree, of Dundalk ....

Ketch Tempter of Hull.

Landed 3.

Schooners Lizzie, of Ches- ter, and Laddie, of St.

John's, N.F. Landed crews, 12.

Fishing-cobles. Stood by vessels.

Cutter Adeline, of Great Yarmouth . . .


Ballywalter .

Blackpool. .

Helbre Island.

Llandudno .

North Deal .

St. Ives . .

Staithes . .

Winterton No. 1 1 The Redcar Life-boat rendered assistance to two fishing-cobles in distress in a sudden gale — no charge being made for the service, as it was rendered to fellow-fishermen, and the North Deal Life-boat assisted the schooner Janet, of Carnarvon, which had been in collision with another vessel.

Reported that the London and North Western Railway Company had forwarded a donation of 10Z. 10s. in aid of the Greenore Branch of the Institution in appreciation of the services rendered by the Life boat at that station to the Company's s.s. Bosstrevor, when she stranded on the 2nd March.

Thanks were accorded to Mr. C. J. A. French for volunteering for service in the St.

Ives Life-boat and assisting to land the crews of two endangered vessels on the 27th March, for which service he declined to receive any pecuniary reward.

Voted also 341Z. 16s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the assemblies of crews or launches to dis- tressed vessels by the Life-boats at Appledore.

Blakeney, Broadstairs, Caister, Clacton, Clong- hey, Dartmouth, Hartlepool, Thesingland, Thildonan, Llandudno, Lowestoft, New Romney, Palling, Penmon, Point of Ayr, Port Eynon, Winterton and Great Yarmouth. The Ramsgate Life-boat was also taken out on two occasions, but her services were not eventually needed.

Voted 21. to four men for saving one man from a boat which had been capsized off Ware- ham, Dorset, in a moderate gale and a rough sea on the 6th March. Two other occupants of the boat unhappily were drowned before the salvors could reach them.

Also 15s. to two men for saving one of the crew of the brigantine N. C. Bull, of Newhaven, who had fallen from the rigging of the vessel while leaving her port in a moderate S.E. wind and a smooth sea on the 10th March.

THURSDAY, 14th May, 1896.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspec- tor of Life-boats on his recent visits to Methil, Elie, Buckhaven, Portnahaven, Crail, An- struther, and Liverpool.

Also on his visits with Captain PFEIFER, Chief Inspector of the German Life Saving Society, to the Southwold, Clacton, Rye, Dun- geness, Fleetwood, New Brighton, Helbre, and Hoylake stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats and their visits to the following stations :— Northern District—Thurso, Stromness, Long- hope, Huna, Ackergill, Wick, Dornoch, Storno- way, Nairn, and Eyemouth.

Eastern District—Southwold (two boats), Dunwich, Aldeburgh, Thorpeness, Harwich (two boats), Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-Naze, Southend, Whitby (two boats), Staithes, Runswick, and Upgang.

Southern District—Porthoustock, Falmouth, Newhaven, and Eastbourne.

Western District — Bull Bay, Cemaes, Penmon, Cemlyn, Forth Rhuffydd, Holyhead (two boats), Rhoscolyn, Weston-super-Mare, Burnham, New Quay (Cardiganshire), and Aberystwyth.

Irish District —• Courtmacsherry, Fenit, Queenstown (two boats), Kilmore, Wexford (two boats), Courtown, and Cahore.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £ «. d.

T. B. ELLISON, Esq 100 - - Collected on board the P. and O. s.s. Ballaarat, per Captain T. S.

ANGUS 15 - -£ g. d.

Collected on board R.M.S. Tantatton Castle, per Captain J. C. Robinson 10 - - Collected from passengers on the a.s. St. Sunniva during her cruise to the East in February and March lust, per W. HOLDSWORTH LINN, Esq 644 Collected on board the s.s. Warwick Cattle, per Capt. WALLACE . . 35- To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £ g. d.

The late Lady HARRIET ROBINSON 540 - - The late J. G. ATHERSTONE, Esq., of Montrose, for a Marianne Atherstone Life-boat for Mont- rose, &c. (making a total of 1,236Z. 18s. Id.) 487 6 2 The late Colonel J. P. OSBALDESTON MITFORD, of Mitford Castle, Northumberland 100 - - The late Mrs. BEATSON, of Norsend, Scotland (making a total of 3151.

Us. 5d.) 88 3 7 The late Mrs. P. E. THOMAS, of Nunney, Somerset (annual in- terest) . 2 19 10 Voted the thanks of the Committee to JOHN HUMPHREY, Esq., and Mr. A. J. BIRNIE, in acknowledgment of their past valuable co- operation whilst serving as Honorary Secretaries of the New Romney and Whitelink Bay Branches of the Institution.

Read letter from the German Life-boat Society, of the 2nd May, conveying their best thanks to the Institution for the assistance it had afforded to Capt. Pfeifer, their Chief In- spector, on his recent visit to some Life-boat stations in this country.

Reported the transmission to their station of the Ramsey new Life-boat and transporting carriage.

Paid 3,061Z. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 71. 13«. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Wexford No. 1 Life-boat in saving a disabled fishing-boat with one man on board on the 16th April.

The Aldeburgh Life-boat assisted to save the stranded ship Macmillan, of Glasgow, and the Broadstairs Life-boat helped to rescue the brig Flamingo, of Farsund, and her crew of eight men.

Voted also 122Z. 9s. Sd. to pay the expenses of the assemblies of crews or launches to dis- tressed vessels by the Life-boats at Caister, Formby, Palling, Walmer, and Winterton.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was also taken out, but her services were not called into requisition.

Voted l. 16s. to two men slightly injured at the launch of the Walton-on-the-Naze and Pakefield Life-boat on service.

Also 9?. and a letter of commendation to nine men for saving a fishing-boat, with a crew of seven men, which had been rendered unmanage- able, having shipped heavy seas in Broad Bay, Ross-shire, in a strong W. gale on the 6th March.

Also 51. to five men for conveying safely ashore the crew of the schooner Jolle, of Christiania, which stranded at Scvekness Holm, Orkney, in a heavy sea on the 6th December last.

Also 21. 5s. to nine men for putting off in a boat, and saving the crew of four men from a coble which had been suddenly filled with water off Sunderland Point on the 16th April.

A reward of 10s. was also given to a woman who first observed the accident and gave an alarm.