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Gallant Service Rendered By the Holy Island Lifeboat "Grace Darling" on the 13th February, 1896

ON the morning of the 13th February all the Holy Island fishing-boats, with one exception, were out fishing, when the sea I rose rapidly, and at 9 o'clock the Rev. D. Bryson, Vicar of Holy Island and Honorary Secretary of the Holy Island Branch of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, saw one boat outside the bar unable to come in. Soon the Island was all excitement, women and children running and screaming. The Vicar, see- ing that no boat could possibly enter, determined to do his best to effect a rescue. He at once got together as many men as he could to form, with himself, a crew for the Life-boat, nearly all the fishermen being away in the boats, the volunteers including the sexton of the church, the fish-merchant, and some sailors, one or two of whom had come away from beds of sickness. The women promptly offered their help in launching the Life-boat, one of them, in fact, volun- teering to put on a life-belt and go in the boat as one of the crew; her services, however, were not accepted in that respect, but she was asked to give her assistance in pulling at the launching ropes. A most successful launch was accomplished, the women, amongst whom was Mrs. Bryson, the Vicar's wife, going right into the water. The Life-boat pro- ceeded across the bar, took the crew out of one of the cobles and towed their boat into the harbour. The Life-boat went out again twice, and on each occasion returned with a boat and her crew. The other boats were later in coming in, and when they arrived the sea had moderated, but even then one of the cobles was nearly sunk by a sea breaking at her stern. The Life-boat remained close at hand care- fully watching the boats, and at 1.30, no further help being needed, returned to the harbour and was replaced in the boat-house.

The thanks of the Institution were accorded to the Rev. D. Bryson, and a binocular glass was presented to Mrs. Bryson in recognition of the services they so kindly rendered on this occasion, the crew and helpers being also suitably rewarded.