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Life-Boat Services In 1895

Lives saved.

Advance, steamer, of Glasgow ... 3 Alnwick, schooner, of Beaumaris. . 3 Amelie, brig, of Frederickstadt... 9 Andola, ship, of Andola 28 Andrada, barque, of Liverpool— landed 19.

Aneurin, schooner, of Carnarvon 4 Anna, schooner, of Mariehamn— rendered assistance.

Antoinette, barque, of St. John, N.B 19 Appledram, ketch, of Poole 2 Atalanta, barque, of Hamburg— assisted to save vessel and 18 Atlantic, barquentine, of Arendal 9 Avance, schooner, of Tonsberg ... 6 Balmoral Castle, of Aberdeen 9 Beacon Light, s.s., of Liverpool— assisted to save vessel.

Ben-Aigen, schooner, of Hull 4 Betty Russell, schooner, of Lancaster —saved vessel.

Boy Willie, gig, of St. Ives, rendered assistance.

Brilliant, barqne, of Grimrtad ... 10 Droughty Castle, schooner, of Ramsey —saved vessel.

Bulla, schooner, of Barostaple ... 4 Camilla, brigantine, of Laurvig— saved vessel.

Children's Friend, gig, of St. Ives 6 Chipperkyle, barque, of Liverpool —as-isted to save vessel.

Citizen, of Youghal— landed 4.

Clara, schooner, of Belfast 5 Ditto—assisted to save vessel.

Clarence, schooner, of Beaumaris —saved vessel and 3 Clarence G. Sinclair, schooner, of Wick—landed 4.

Coquette, dandy, of Great Yarmouth Q Dora, smack, of Bidefurd 2 Durango, barquentine, of Hamburg —assisted to save vessel and 10 Echo, of Wexford—assisted to save vessel.

Eclipse, fishing boat, of Peterhead —assisted to eave vessel and ... 7 Seanor, flat, of Liverpool 2 Sllen and Mary, schooner, Port William 3 Emanuele Accami, barque, of Genoa—landed 18.

Emily, schooner, of Padstow 4 Emu, schooner, of Douglas 3 Enterprise, fishing boat, of Courtown — saved boat and 6 Etcurial, g.s., of Glasgow 1 Esperanda, smack, of Porlock a Fairy, 8.8 12 Pal, s.s., of Falmonth—vessel and 10 Ganymede, barque, of Ris8r 8 Gauntlet, schooner, of Barrow 5 Gem, schooner, of Ramsey 4 e.L. Wo«e7-s,brig,ofWOTkington 6 Ditto—assisted to save vessel.

Lives saved.

Globe, brig, of Whitehaven 7 Grepenstedt, s.s., of Gottenbnrg— * rendered assistance.

Haabet, brig, of Tonsberg 10 .ffoicyoM, brigamine, of St. Nazaire 1 Sans, schooner, of Rendsburg— saved vessel and 4 Earberton, s.s., of London—assisted to save vessel.

Sanest Home, schooner, of Preston 4 Helen, barqne, of Brevig 10 Holly How, schooner, of Barrow... 5 Ida, s.s., of Dantzic 18 International, s.s., of Newcastle —landed 9.

Isabelle, barquentine, of Swansea 9 Isabella Helen, schooner—assisted to save vessel and 6 Isabella S£war£,schooner—landed 4.

James and Eleanor, brig, Shields 2 Jane and Annie, of Carnarvon— assisted to save vessel.

/. H. Schwensen, of Kragerb'— saved vessel.

Johan, brig, of Christianla—assisted 3 men in vessel's boat.

Johanne, barque, of Laurvig— assisted to save vessel.

Kate, sen,, of Chester—landed 4.

Kent, B.B., of London—boat and 5 Kirkstall, s.s., of Shields—boat and 4 Kragero, barque of Kragero— saved vessel and 12 Kymric, steam trawler, of Grimsby —landed 9.

Lady Wolseley, B.S., of Dublin— landed passengers and assisted to save vessel.

Lattonia, barque, of Riga 8 Lily Dale, brigantine, of Cork ... 7 Madeline Rickmers, barqne of Bremerhaven—assisted to save vessel.

Manhattan, s.s., of London— landed 4 and rendered assistance.

Margaret and Elizabeth, Liverpool 2 Martin Luther, ketch, of Cowes— assisted to save vessel and 3 Mary Ann, smack, of Mtlford 2 Mercy, ketch, of Carnarvon— landed 3.

Michael Kdly, sch., of Liverpool 5 Miss Hunt, schooner ' 4 Montrose pleasure boat 4 Moresby, ship of Liverpool 7 Nellie, ketch, of Littlehampton— rendered assistance.

JWord, Danish B.B.—saved vessel.

Nordstjernen, of Christiansand... 6 Noordster, sch., of Alblasserdam 7 Orwell, schooner of Ipswichrendered assistance.

Otto, schooner, of Rhanderfehn ... 4 Paragon, s.s., of Dublin 11 Paragon, schooner of Inverness 4 Lrves saved.

Perseverance, lugger, Folkestone 3 Ditto, assisted to save vessel.

Peter Varkevisser, ketch, of MUford 3 Petrel, smack, of Bideford 2 Polar Star, smack of Montrose— assisted to save vessel.

Poplar, s.8., of London—assisted to save vessel.

Prosperity, smack, of Carnarvonlanded 3.

Quantock, s.s. of London—assisted to save vessel.

Renown, schooner, of Wigtown— saved vessel and 5 Research, H.M.S., boat of 7 Robert, brig, of Nantes—rendered assistance.

Robert Henry, gig, of St. Ives .. 5 Ruby, ketch, of Liverpool—assisted to save vessel.

Rudolf, brig, of Trelleborg 11 Sally, yawl, of Liverpool—saved vessel and 3 Sarah, smack, of Milford 2 Sarah Bec/t.cutter, of Liverpool— landed 4.

Bator, barque 10 Sicilia, s.s., of Liverpool, boat of 16 Sindbad, s.s., of Sew ensile 15 Sir Alfred Oooch, of Lowestoft... 6 Ditto, assisted to save vessel.

Sir Robert Hodgson, of Fowey ... 6 Somerset, brigantine, of Christianla 9 Star of Bethlehem, lugger of Cullen 8 Tavy, ketch, of Plymouth 4 The Cousins, scb., of Beaumaris 2 Tom, of Watcheu-saved vessel.

Two Brothers, of Plymouth 2 Vigilant, s.s., of Liverpool 6 Violet, schooner, of Castletown ... 4 Wexford boat—rend, assistance.

William, ketch, of Aberystwyth 4 Total lives saved by Lifeboats hi 1895, In addition to saving 36 vessels and rendering aid, and standing by many other distressed Ships and Boats 538 During the same period the Institution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats 176 Total Number saved in 1896 709 Total of Lives for the saving of which the Institution has granted rewards since its establishment in 1824 39354.