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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION (The figure* refer to the number* of the Hfe-boatt detailed on the twelve preceding Pages.") A. F. H., 134.

A Lad;, 16.

A Lady, per Manchester Branch, 123.

A Lady, 161.

A Lady. 213.

A Lady, per Pembroke Stephens, Esq., Q.C., 289.

Allen, Miss E.C.,the late,225.

Anonymous, 9, 249, 285.

Anonymous, 30, 75.

Anonymous, 132.

Anonymous, 208.

Anonymous, 204.

Anonymous, per Manchester Branch, 216.

Arkcoll, Chaa., Esq., 96.

Arkwright, F. C., Esq., J.P., and Mends, 117.

Armltage, £., Esq., R.A.,271 .

Armstrong Fund, 135.

Ashley, C. Carr, Esq., 119.

Avin, Mr., the late, 242.

Bain, Mrs., the late, 247.

Ball, Miss, the late, 47, 298.

Baltic Life-boat Fund, 50.

Barclay, Mrs., the late, 164.

Barr, Mrs., the late, 1.

Bass, Miss, 120.

Beckwith, the late Mrs., 303.

Bedford, Miss A.M.,Trustees of, 3.

Bennett, Mr. W., the late, 62.

Bentley, John, Esq., 252.

Berrey, Miss, the late, 45, 46.

Bewick, Miss, the late, 5.

Biggs, Miss, the late, 206.

Bird, Samuel, Esq., 73.

Birkett, Wm., the late, 211.

Black, Mrs. Alexander, 253.

Blackwnod, Sir Arthur, Lifeboat Fund, 272.

Blair, Mrs., the late, 266.

Blake, Mrs., the late, 274,291.

Blane, Capt. Rodney, E.N., Bolton, coll. in, 68. [177.

Boy's Own Life-boat Fund, 115, 130.

Bradford, collected in, 84.

BradshawJMrs., the late, 219, 269. 276.

Briggs, Major-Gen. W. L., C.B., the late, 199.

Brooshoft, Col., the late, 113, 114, 241.

Buffaloes, Royal Antediluvian Order of, 92.

Burch, Mrs., 61.

Bnrmester, Miss, 76.

Burronghes,Mrs.,the late,51 .

Bury, C., Esq., the late, 70.

Busk, Hans, Fund, 107.

Cameron, Mrs., 270.

Civil Service Life-boat Fund, 14, 86,214,218,226.282,288.

Clare,Mrs.Leigh,the late,172.

Collin, Miss, the late, 166.

Collinson, Mrs., the late. 94.

Co-operative Union, Limited 13, 155, 239.

Coppiu, Mr. John, the Iate,18.

Corn Exchange, Mark Lane, Members of the, 62.

Corry, A. J., Esq., the late.


Covent Garden Life-boat Fund, 59.

Curling, Miss, 89, 190.

Cuttell, J., Esq., the late, 4.

Cyclist Life-boat Fund, 23.

D., 193, 243.

Dalmer, Mrs. the late, 11.


Denman, Hon. Mrs. Jos., 160.

Dixon, Miss Anne, 43.

DixoD, Miss, 251.

Dodd, H., Esq., the late, 292.

Downie, Miss, the late, 171.

Drnmmond, Mrs. Dundas.the late, 142.

Dngnid. Mrs., 236. 1 Dunville, Mrs., the late, 294.

E. B., M. P., and A. and E. I., Cheddar, 26.

E. M. 8., 290.

Eason, Miss, the late, 58.

Echalaz, the Rev. T. S., the late, 154, 244, 254.

Egdell, Miss, the late, 2, 53.

ElUs, Mrs., the late, 31.

English, the late Misses, 284.

Erie, Lady, the late, 116.

Evans, Mrs., the late, 189.

Kan-ant, H. A. M., Esq., the late, 299.

Ferguson, Mrs., the late, 263.

Fergnsson, Miss, the late,223.

Fielden, J. A., Esq., 32.

Fielden, Samuel, John, and Joshua, Esqs., 186.

Fielder, Miss M.,.the late, 6.

Fletcher, Mr. Samuel, the late, 209. [15, 24, 259.

Foresters. Ancient Order of, Foster, Herbert A., Esq., and Relatives, 34.

Fox.Children of Mr.and Mrs., 33. [127.

Freemasons of England, 79, Friends at Manchester, 97.

Garden, the late R. T., Esq., 149, 283.

Gibb, T. Jones, Esq., the late, and Mrs., 176.

Glasgow, Citv of, 77.

Goss, Jas., Esq., the late, 143. [182, 195.

Gould, John, Esq., the late, Graham, Mrs. C. North, and Sons and Daughters, 74.

Grindlay, Thomas, Esq., the late, 265.

Guerrier, Rev. W. J., 56.

Hackwood, Thos., Esq., the late, 240.

Hardie, T. K. Esq., 229.

Hargrave, Chas., Esq., the late, 87.

Harris, H., Esq., the late.101 .

Harris, Mrs. H., the late, 95.

Harris, Miss Lucy, 129.

Harrison, Heath, Esq., 234.

Harvey, H. M. Esq., the late, 167.

Hawkina Mr. C., the late, 29.

Hay, D., Esq., the late, 222.

Hearne, T. P., Esq., 296.

Hearts of Oak BenefltSodety, 56.

Hedley, William, Esq., the late, 17.

Henderson,?., Esq., the late, 256. [late, 293.

Henley, George, Esq., the Heyland Memorial, 106.

Heywood-Lonsdale, A. P., Esq., 44.

Hill, Arthur, Esq., 131.

Hodges, Mrs., the late, 19.

Hollon. R. W., Esq., the late, 35.

Hollond, Mrs., the late, 137.

Holt, Col., the late, and Mrs.

Symes, 159.

Roman, E. Esq., 118.

Honourable Artillery Company Dramatic Club, 78.

Howard, Mrs. Atherton, the late, 191, 262.

Howls, Miss Annie F., 215.

Hnddersneld, collected in, 54.

Ingleby, Rev. Chas., the late, per G. P. Wragge, Esq., 22.

Jacomb-Hood, Miss E. H., the late, 10. [110.

Jannan, Miss A. E., the late, Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Fund, 98.

Jones, MissM., the late, 163.

Jones, T. E., Esq., the late, 174. [144.

Kendall, W., Esq., the late, Eer, Robert, Esq., 235.

Kidd, Miss Pringle, 233.

King, Miss, the late, 300.

Lamb, Miss, the late, 177.

Langworthy, Mrs., 277.

Leather, Jos., Esq., 286.

Lee, Mrs., the late. 248.

Leicester, collected in, 63.

Leicester, Miss, 163, 212.

Leighton, Capt. H., the late, per Miss A. Leighton, 224.

Lesty, Wm., Esq., the late, 126. [Ill Lewis, W. S., Esq., the late, Licensed Victuallers, collected from, 48.

Llngham, Mrs., 183.

Love, A., Esq., the late, 151 .

Lovibond, George, Esq., the late, 21.

Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, 237. [295.

Luckombe, Mrs.,the late, 112.

Mat-Donald, Mrs., 152.

Macrae, Misses, 205.

Mahony, Dr., the late, 278.

Manchester Branch, 27, 97, 123, 165, 172, 174, 182, 185, 195, 216, 217.

Martin, Mrs., 197.

Metcalfe, J. Esq., the late,169 .

Middlewood, Geo., Esq., 37.


Montgomery, Mrs., 302.

Moore, the late Geo., Esq., Life-boat Fund, 180.

Morella, the Countess de, 184.

Morice, Mrs., the late, 88.

Morris, J. G. Esq., the late, 158. [230.

Munnoch, A., Esq., the late, New Oriental Bank, 146.

Newhon, R.A., Esq., the late, 104, 124, 133, 138, 141.

Nicholson, Mrs. B. J., 188.

Noble, Mrs., 181.

Norbury Life-boat Fund,185.

Northumberland, The Dowager Duchess of, 8.

Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity), 42.

Oldham Life-boat Fund, 179.

Parkin, Thos., Esq., the late, 67.

Paterson, Miss, the late, 261.

Payne, W.J.Esq., the late, 38.

Pickard.A.,Esq.,thelate.l68, 250, 264. 281. 287. [210.

Pickup, Jas., Esq., tbe late, Platt, Mrs., the late, 178.

Plimsoll Life-boat Funds, 65.

Pooley, G. Esq., the late, 267, 273.

Popham, Mrs., the late, 228.

Powell, H. G., Esq., 198.

Preston, Mrs., the late, 36.

Preston, R. A. B., Esq., 147.

Proctor-Beauchamp, Sir R., Bart., 60. [209.

QUEEN, HEH MAJESTY THE, " Quiver " Magazine, collected, 72, 81, 297.

Redfern, Mrs., the late, 136.

RestelL, W. T., Esq., the late, 100. [late, 196, 201.

Richardson, H. T. Esq., the Richardson, the late Mrs.

Harriot, 227.

Rogers, Dr. J., the late, 146.

Eoget, Mrs., 150. [217.

Rose, Thomas, Esq., the late.

Rosebery, Lady, the late, 90.

Rons, Admiral, Life-boat Fund, 41.

Royds, C. M., Esq., 207.

St. Michael's, Paddington, Life-boat Fund, 69.

Sargenson,Miss,the late, 220.

Scott, Mrs., the late. 7.

Settle, collected in, 40, 192.

Sharpe, James, Esq., the late, Shaw, Mrs., 126. [246.

SilkenstBdt, Mrs., 49.

Simcox, Mrs., 93.

Skirrow, Mrs., 232.

Skynner, Jno.. Esq., the late, and Miss Brigden. 20, 103.

Smart, Mrs. Francis G., 173.

Smith, Mrs. F. S., the late, 80.

Smith, James McLaren, Esq., 64.

Smitheman, The Misses, 140.

Smithies, Miss Eliza, the late , 279.

Somerville, Miss, the late, 85.

Somes, Mrs., 121.

Souter, Mrs., the late, 258.

Spawfortb, J., Esq., 91.

Sprot,Miss,the late, 245. [200.

Sg,uarey,C.W.,Esq.,thelaie, Staniforth, Mrs. F. J., the late, 122.

Stannah, Mrs., the late, 233.

Stock Exchange Life-boat Fund, 66.

Stoker, Mrs., 12, 102.

Stott, Mrs., the late, 28.

Stratford, T.N. Esq., the late 176. [194 Sunlight Competition, 99 Swift, Mrs., the late, 109.

Symes, Mrs. Elizabeth S.,280 Thomas, Mrs., the late, 128 Townend, Mrs., 27.

Tudor, Mrs., the late, 170.

" Union Jack " Life-boat Fund, 167.

Vandeleur, Richard, Esq., the late, 301.

Walker, G., Esq., the late, 39.

Wallace, H. R. C., Esq., the late, 231. [268.

Wallace, W., Esq., the late, Waud.G. M. Esq.,tbe late,83.

Webster, George, Esq., 257.

West, R. Thornton, Esq., the late, and Mrs. West, 148.

Wheeler, Rev. T. L, 166.

Whitton, Mr. C. R., the late, 275.

Whitworth, Sir Joseph, the late, and friends, 187.

Wigney, Mrs., 260.

Wolverhampton, coll. in, 162.

Wright, Mrs., the late, 139.

" X.," 105.

THS AVEBAGE COST or A LIFE-BOAT STATION is £1,050 AND is HADE DP AS FOLLOWS :— Life-boat and her equipment, including Life-belts for the Crew Total . . .£1,050 The average annual eapenie of maintaining a Life-boat Station it £100, and the benefactions and contribution) of Donors of Life-boats are earnestly solicited in aid of thatfimd..